<p>I know it's probably early, however, I wanted to know what works best you guys out there: Binders or Notebooks??? I'm having a bit of trouble deciding which I should buy. Just to clarify, I'll be taking:
-EECS 10 (Computational Methods for EE)
-Physics 2
-Chemistry 1A
-Writing 39B</p>
<p>What works best for Math/Science courses? How about Writing?
Thanks in Advance!</p>
<p>I used expanding files (literally every class) and notebooks (chem)… Binders (tried it for chemistry lab) take too much effort to open and close imo.
I’m lazy as hell haha.</p>
<p>Math –> Notebook + folder for papers.</p>
<p>Writ 39b, binder is probably better. Not much notes to take. Plenty papers.</p>
<p>Can’t say for the other ones…</p>
<p>just get spiral bound notebook, and folders, works best for me… its cost efficients and organized. for chem labs, I would suggest getting a 1 inch binder.</p>
<p>Both :)</p>
<p>[Five</a> Star® Flex® NoteBinder®](<a href=“http://www.mead.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product3_10051_10006_125824_-1_false_10051]Five”>http://www.mead.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product3_10051_10006_125824_-1_false_10051)</p>
<p>I have recently fallen in love with the Five Star Flex NoteBinders. I like using binders, but I hate how bulky they are. And I don’t like spiral notebooks because I like to be able to take out pages, rearrange them, etc. So the NoteBinder was the perfect solution for me. Pricey for just one, but I see myself reusing it for the remainder of college. I’m the type of person who likes to keep relevant papers in my notebook and then after say a midterm I transfer those out to a folder and keep it at home to keep my binders light. The Flex NoteBinder is not good for people who like to carry all of their papers with them though because the rings get a little iffy once there are a lot of heavy papers in it.</p>
<p>Whatever you used in high school should work alright. It’s just what you’re most accustomed to and suited to work with best. Unless you just failed altogether with organization in high school, you shouldn’t change too much of your habits in my opinion since it’s basically set to your comfort zone.</p>
<p>^That was me haha, I just stuffed everything in my backpack.</p>
<p>Haha, I did too, but I had a compartment for it, eh. It was like, a place to put your laptop or something, but I put alllll my papers there. Worked magically, since 1. nothing got crumpled, 2. nothing ever got lost, 3. took only seconds to take stuff out and put it away, and 4. all the items were in chronological order, so it wasn’t that impossible to find stuff…Just takes too damn long to open that binder ring.</p>
<p>Thanks guys! I guess I’ll stick to notebooks then. . . (except for Writing 39B). This is pretty much what I did in high school.</p>