Binge watched tv shows

Better Call Saul, as mentioned above, and Sons of Anarchy.

Different but very good - Giri/Haji

Just watched “The Descendants” with George Clooney. Released in 2011. Set in Hawaii.

This was my third viewing of this 2 hour movie. Still great. Strong acting, relaxing take-you-to-another-world music, beautiful scenery, and seamless directing. Gives one a mature perspective on life.

Easy going, fun, & insightful.

Sheilene Woodley–Clooney’s older daughter in the film–is outstanding. Was later beaten out by Jennifer Lawrence for the lead role in The Hunger Games.

The character Sid was played by a young man who in real life was born in Austin, Texas, raised in Georgetown, Texas, and attended college at age ten.

Somewhat similar to Jack Nicholson’s “About Schmidt”, but much better–and I enjoyed About Schmidt.

The Descendants should not be missed.

Next, I plan to watch “Nebraska”.

P.S. The Descendants is a perfect movie to view on a relaxed Sunday.

P.P.S. Also, if allowed to recommend only one movie to others of varying interests & ages, The Descendants would be–and should be–a top contender.

Also watched “Knuckle City”–a South African film. Interesting and reportedly an accurate depiction of the world of boxing in South Africa’s boxing capital. Not for the squemish viewer.

As an aside, just learned that one of my college friends is a top casting director in Hollywood / Los Angeles, and has been for several decades. Was originally pre-med as his family is full of doctors. Certainly not the first pre-med student to shift his career focus.

We finished Poldark a couple of weeks ago, and I can’t get it out of my head. Is there anything else like it even close to that good? Of course, we’ve seen all of Downton Abbey and Jamestown and a few other period pieces, none as good. Couldn’t get in to Outlander. We’re currently watching The Durrells of Corfu which is just a light romp and making me miss Poldark even more. I must confess, last week I started to rewatch season one during the afternoon just to go “back there.” I fear we may end up watching it all over again. We did start watching the older Poldark series of the years following the 2015 series, but it’s hard to let go of those actors. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten into a show like this one.

@ChoatieMom I agree with you about Poldark. It is one of my all time favorite series.

We just finished Billions and have started the Canadian (now on NBC) series Transplant. It’s a medical show (13 total episodes in Canada and the US has shown 2 so far). It has a Syrian doctor as the lead character. We like it so far.
Agree that Bloodlines is excellent.
My husband had us watch the Tom Hanks movie Greyhound, which is a WWII navy shoot em up thing. Not my first choice, but it wasn’t too long and was done well.

I also love love love The Descendants, mostly because I am really into Hawaiian music. The oldest daughter was outstanding acting. She is in Big Little Lies

After finishing seven seasons of West Wing (good quarantine watching), we followed some of the recommendations here for other political series. We recently finished two seasons of The Politician–it was OK, but uneven. It’s light satire and really doesn’t deal with the political issues in any serious way. I liked the second season with Bette Midler and Judith Light better than the first. Also thought Gweyneth Paltrow and Jessica Lange were great in the first season as was the lead Ben Platte (he has a great voice). The good thing about it is that it’s only two seasons and the episodes are very short–40 minutes or less.

Moved on to VEEP last night.

I have just finished "Keeping Faith’ - I very much enjoyed the first season, the second season was a little hard to follow at times, and I didn’t like the fact that some character’s actors were changed in the second season

Seconding/thirding Better Call Saul. Also, Sneaky Pete (Amazon), and Justifed (Hulu)

I haven’t seen it mentioned but I really enjoyed “In the Dark” on Netflix. There are 2 seasons out now. The main character is blind and all the characters are interesting.

Loved “The Descendants” and loved “Nebraska”, which is a hidden jewel.

Just finished watching “The Home Edit” on Netflix. Enjoyed the organization, hated the vocal fry voices.

Watching season 3 of “Borgen”. Have watched so many Danish shows lately that I’m beginning to recognize Danish actors!

Not a series but the Netflix show “Octopus My Teacher” is extraordinary.

oops “My Octopus Teacher” !

My daughter just recommended that to me this evening. Said it was excellent.

Also loved The Descendants, caught part of it on Saturday. I saw it in the theater and then a number of years ago watched it with my kids and in-laws at their retirement community auditorium. After they figured out the audio issues (with help from my kids), it was loved by all who were watching.

I started watching Transplant as well. Not sure about it yet.

Last weekend there was a Friday Night Lights marathon. Caught a few episodes which were great. I believe it is available to stream if you have never seen it.

Poldark is a great soap opera. I love the villains, I love the way all the tension in Poldark’s marriage. It’s really well done. I don’t know anything like it. You really care about the characters.

We watched the first episode of Away yesterday and thought it was pretty good. Funny about the long phone calls! Though really I think a lot of the trip probably is really, really boring with nothing much happening. We recently read The Calculating Stars for the CC Book Club. The sequel (which many of us also read, is about going to Mars - its crew is almost as dysfunctional as this one.)

Still enjoying Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist. The singing and dancing are pretty uneven, but that’s part of its charm.

I’ve been curious about The Home Edit for something different. Give me your take on it! Sort of a Marie Kondo alternative show. :slight_smile:

I’m 3 episodes into The Home Edit. The celebrity segments are fluff, but the real family segments are more inspiring. I am looking for a distraction and a few tips about how to become more organized, so it’s enjoyable.