Binge watched tv shows

I also loved The Expanse! Started watching at the recommendation of a friend last year and went through the first 3 seasons in a week and a half. I was pleasantly surprised to find the books were written by collaborators Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck (under the pen name
James S. A. Corey), as I had read all of Daniel Abraham’s other books but did not realize there were others he had written under different names. I also love many of the characters - they do such a good job of fleshing out even the minor characters and making each so unique and believable.


Strictly speaking the thread started with fans of Broadchurch who wanted to discuss the show, but 5,000 replies in the title changed because it no longer was about Broadchurch at all. It’s morphed into a “recommendation&opinion about TV shows” thread but may indeed benefit from being split. I’m going to see if I can figure out how to create a new thread for the cafe. :wink::man_superhero::woman_supervillain:
Binge watching is just watching many episodes in quick succession. It could be an old show, or a just-released show - a West Wing marathon or just watching Maid on Netflix.

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I suggested starting a NEW thread for “Ted Lasso Discussion with Spoilers” so I was quite perplexed that such a thread would need to “make clear” what was being spoiled. For goodness sakes.


No one would have an issue with that; the issue was spoilers for current shows in this thread.

Not sure why you haven’t started a Ted Lasso with Spoilers thread?

Edit - just found the extremely clear thread .

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Sigh. I said that we should start a separate thread for Ted Lasso “ with spoilers”. @abasket replied to that comment saying that I needed to make sure that this new thread about spoilers “made clear” that it involved the entire show. My comment that such clarity should not be required. Anyone who was reading such a thread risk being spoiled on anything having to do with TL. Full stop.

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Sorry, did not realize you were responding to that other post of caution.

TO CLARIFY….not everyone knows that Ted Lasso just (I think, because I’m one who does not know for sure) wrapped up the 2nd season -I’m late to the party and just started the 1stseason a few weeks ago and now am on the second season. Clearly I won’t open the thread because I don’t want to read about episodes I haven’t watched.

I was simply trying to say make it clear for all. The idea is great and you’ll probably get lots of traffic.

Didn’t mean to get anyone riled up!

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@abasket - come join the spoilers thread for TL when you finish. Some really interesting thoughts there!

I’m looking forward to season 3; and am glad of that discussion thread! i’ve bookmarked it now.

(and have this thread bookmarked as i’m looking for new shows to watch. Have had some great ones mentioned here!)


It may have been mentioned - just watched all of “The Chair” with Sandra Oh, Holland Taylor, and Jay Duplass. Quasi-comedy about an English dept. at a prestigious college. Some sharp insights about academia, the balance between free-speech and cultural sensitivity, etc.

Sandra and Holland are awesome, as are the other actors!!


I was watching an old episode of The Mentalist and suddenly I saw him as the Jay Duplass character, whom I wanted to slap… “I’m entitled because I’m smart and cute”… kinda changed my perspective on the duo concept “try-hard female and iconoclastic male who’s always right” being funny :wink:

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I feel like starting a new thread: Which Actors Seem to be on Every Show You Binge. Right now for me it’s Jared Harris. Currently on two shows I’m watching and when I check his filmography I go, yeah, I saw him on that…and that…and that… At least he’s not one of the people that are so linked in my mind to a specific character that I can’t get into the new one.

I know at one point a couple of years ago I thought, what is Lady Edith doing in King Henry XIII’s court? It took me three episodes to shake her loose from her other role.

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I am watching Goliath, Season 1, and his ex-wife looked so familiar! The actress is on NCIS.

Mr. Weasley is the bad boss on The Indian Doctor. Such a different way to look at poor old Mr. Weasley.

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I am watching Grantchester from the beginning. It’s partly charming and partly exceedingly grim. I guess I’ll plod on but it makes me miss The Good Karma Hospital even more. (But I hear they’re making season four of that one, although no telling when it will be available here.)

I watch Grantchester occasionally.
I just watched episode 1, season 6, and it was taking place at a “holiday resort” as sprung all over Britain in the 60s. They must have filmed in the Spring or the Fall because it was clearly too chilly for any swimming and most people wore long sleeves, which made it odd in terms of “we are going away on holiday for a summer week” (or at least, to me, what’s the point of a pool and a lake if no one goes swimming?) All bright colors, meals served to your table, dancing and bingo… Kind of like “Little Nicholas on Holiday” but without the kid capers and with a death, of course, to investigate. Much more depressing in its forced cheerfulness than the Poconos resort where Mrs.Maisel goes with her family. And, as you say, socially grim if you scratch the pinks and yellows.

@twoinanddone have you gotten to season 2 yet? If not your head will explode with similarities to today’s pandemic world.

As I watched that Grantchester episode all I could think about is the opening to the movie Tommy, where Tommy and his mother goes to a holiday camp and she meets the guy who eventually kill’s Tommy’s father. Bernie’s Holiday Camp!

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Last night I watched the latest episode of Call the Midwife (latest for those of us who are not PBS members with early access) and then my next episode of Succession (season 2 episode 3). Quite the contrast but I like both shows.


Call the Midwife episodes are normally a balance of happy and sad subplots, but the first two episodes of the current season could not have been sadder!


I agree. I have a theory about the sad dad, but won’t share here in case it spoils for anyone.