Binge watched tv shows

Channel 13, the main pubic tv station in NYC, offers a live stream:

I am sure other PBS stations do as well.

WGBH, PBS Boston, calls it Passport. For a minimum donation of $5 per month (or 60 for a year) you can access Passport which lets you stream PBS programs past and present.


No, this is not the same as Passport. Itā€™s just a live stream of whatever is on tv on the channel at that moment.

I am a member of Thirteen so I have Passport as well.

Its affiliate, WLIW (broadcast from suburban Long Island), also has a live stream:

I have to figure out how S22 can watch the new season since we donā€™t have cable.

People I know have either subscribed to AMC + for a couple of months (it will be done on New Yearā€™s Day), or they bought the season on Amazon for $15. We went with AMC because we get six months free with our cell phone.

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I hate Squid Game. (MAJOR SPOILER ALERT.)

Hubby and I thought we would see what the fuss was about. Six episodes in, and I think the show is pure trash. Especially this truly terrible episode. I knew this would happen at some point, but do we need to see this sort of grim dystopian trash? Itā€™s not the shock factor, itā€™s just schlock.

Okay, the characters were interesting for a bit, but the acting is not great. If this show was American or British, we would think it was garbage.

There are so many plot holes.

When is Mr. Policeman going to call for help? What the heck is he waiting for? If they could all vote to leave once, why not do it again? Surely they must realize there can only be one winner? If Sangwoo is supposed to be so smart, why isnā€™t he just knocking people off as they sleep? Whatā€™s he waiting for? He surely must have understood by how that their numbers are cut in half by the end of every game. And I could go on.

This show is ā€œinterestingā€ because itā€™s Korean. I honestly think thatā€™s all itā€™s got going for it. The central idea is intriguing, and they could have done something that would have been intellectually stimulating rather than gore and horror.

Iā€™m not watching the rest of it. Rant over, haha.

The acting is actually fabulous if you speak Korean, the writing is supposed to be excellent. The dubbing is absolutely awful, I watched it again with the subtitles but I hear not nearly as good as in the original language. Iā€™m so glad I looked into it more, I missed a lot the first time.

Short argument between teen boys and girls -boys who love Squid Game reacted with horror at their suggestion of Sex Education and dubbed it way scarier :rofl:


Iā€™m watching it with subtitles. I think the only ones who actually do a good acting job are Sangwoo and the old man.

My son watched it with dubbing. Said it was soooo bad. Likes the series apart from that.

Haha! We enjoyed SexEducation.


Here is an interesting article Translators, experts weigh in on 'Squid Game' subtitle debate

It was hilarious hearing that vehement agreement from the boys and I tried very hard not to laugh.

Today, the latest season Shetland is supposed to be starting on Britbox. I havenā€™t checked yet, but if itā€™s not on yet I shall scream. And they better not pull a Vera either.

Doubtful since the first 3 episodes of Shetland have already aired outside the US with no indication of filming being interrupted.

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One freakinā€™ episode a week!

Well, I just finished binge watching the first 5 seasons plus the first episode of season 6 (thanks @MYOS1634 for the recommendation), so I am OK to slow it down.

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Iā€™m not, Iā€™ve been waiting for weeks! Maybe Iā€™ll use my time between episodes to do a compilation video of Jimmy saying OK, Tosh making that pensive face, and Sandy the sideways look. Like that video of David Caruso on CSI saying dumb one liners while he takes his sunglasses off.

I managed over the last month to ā€œbingeā€ The Morning Show to the point that I have caught up and have to WAIT for the season 2 finale next week! Really have enjoyed the show.

D2 has been bugging me to watch Love On The Spectrum. I started last night. Itā€™s adorable and eye opening at the same time.


Iā€™m now caught up through episode 4. I have to say the lack of continuity between seasons is bothersome to me; Jimmy gets a girlfriend who is not a killer, and is never heard from again. Sandy runs into professional issues on one season, and itā€™s not referenced in the next.

Have watched a couple of episodes of the Foundation series, which I remember fondly from my childhood. Very disappointing. Ponderous, and the characters and action(such as it is)only resemble the book in the broadest of strokes. There are all sorts of changes to the plot and characters of the original story. I was spoiled by The Expanseā€¦it seems like the director of Foundation is trying to mimic itā€™s modern sensibility and edginess, but in doing so has thrown away much of the charm of the original Asimov stories.