Binge watched tv shows

I do like Designated Survivor, especially that they are all running around with no idea where to even start to rebuild the government, and I think that’s exactly how it would be - chaos. I think they should have had a few more senators and reps survive, which would be even more chaos.

Hooked on Narcos on Netflix, the true story of Pablo Escobar, head of the Colombian drug cartel as narrated by the DEA agent who would eventually bring him down. No spoiler alert for those who watched this drama unfold back in the 80s. Great edge-of-your seat, heart-thumping drama and very few eps so it’s not too drawn out. Looks like they’re making another season too hope it’s as thrilling.

We are trying Gotham, at least until Westworld comes out in a couple days.

@SalveMater Husband loves Narcos. Too violent for me!

@doschicos it is a bit, but no more than the evening news sometimes or the Sopranos! I don’t know, I’m drawn by historical events and this one was huge. Season 1 and 2 was addicting. Hope Season 3 does not disappoint!

I loved season 1 of Narcos, have yet to watch season 2.

Watched both seasons of Narcos–my H really liked it. I didn’t–just couldn’t find a character I liked. Give me a crazy dysfunctional family, like the Gallaghers in Shameless, and I’m hooked!

I don’t get what not to love it’s as dysfunctional as you can get! The cartel operates like a structured organization but with honor, like the mafia but more like a corporation with Escobar as the CEO. He built housing projects in the inner city and also ran for office, has affairs gets caught; and all while running from the law. And when he got caught, he built his own prison, it’s surreal! It’s also like a paramilitary. There are captains and soldiers, hit men, caches of guns and money. Strained relations with father, I mean it’s all there and it’s true life! I learned so much about that underworld and how the DEA operates.

From a humanistic point of view, at one point, after everything spins out of control, you can see that after all the monetary gains, Escobar would trade it all for a simple life. It’s as good as a Dostoyevsky novel like Crime and Punishment.

Well, I’m curious about Season, given that Escobar has been taken out. I just have to cover my eyes during the tortures :open_mouth:

I’m no prude and don’t mind sex season but the aggressive nature of the ones in Narcos I just don’t like to watch, although I’m sure it is realistic.

dos I guess I don’t remember any rough sex scenes? my H calls it Narco porn, Tudor porn, Sopranos porn lol I mean it’s not ready for primetime but I don’t recall it being over the top. I watched Girls on HBO, now that was a bit kinky weird.

I started Narcos, based on the recommendation of a great-nephew, but I just couldn’t take the viciousness and violence. Maybe I’ll try it again…

We just got into Luke Cage (Netfix) via S3 being here. It has lured me in even though I am not normally a Marvel superhero fan.

Did anyone watch The Case of: JonBenet Ramsey? I had DVRd it and just watched this weekend. A very impressive and highly specialized investigative team analyzes every detail of the case and it was so interesting. The conclusion that all reached was a sad one.

^^ I watched it, and I also watched the Dr. Phil series on the same subject. Dr. Phil’s program concluded that Burke was completely innocent and it was likely an intruder. But The Case of JonBenet Ramsey basically concluded that Burke was guilty. It was so strange watching that show after watching the Dr. Phil shows and seeing the exact same evidence but having it point in opposite directions. I still don’t really know what I believe.

I have always thought that Burke did it. It is virtually the only thing that explains the behavior of the parents. For whom I was very sorry.

I didn’t see the Dr Phil show. Who did he have evaluating the evidence?

I can’t see any other reasonable explanation other than it was someone in the house and that someone was Burke. The intruder theory, based on the evidence, just doesn’t make sense. The ‘ransom’ note was ridiculous. The voices in the background on the 911 call. The filmed interviews with Burke, just very strange.

Just started Luke Cage, Im hooked!

I don’t think ALL the Ramseys could lie in unison for 20 years. John is smart, but I’d not put my money on Patsy or Burke to be able to keep all the timelines correct for 20 years. If Burke did it (and there was a lot of discussion that at less than 90 pounds he just wasn’t big enough), I think he would have made mistakes in the interviews at the time and the later in life. I’ve seen the house (I lived two blocks away at one time). It is an old house with a big addition on the back, and that addition is right on the alley.

I also heard court evidence on a murder case investigated by the Boulder Police that was a lot more clear cut than this one (they found the guy IN the apartment, holding the murder weapon, dead body, car parked 2 blocks away with an inflatable boat and cinder blocks and ropes in it, plus a gun that wasn’t used on him - but no first degree murder conviction), and they screwed up the crime scene and evidence on that one. No confidence that any ‘evidence’ was properly collected or processed by the Boulder police or DA’s office.

The recreation in this show with a child the same size indicated that it was actually very possible. The flashlight created a fracture in her skull that was what killed her. Burke had a history of anger issues and had hit her in the head with a golf club the previous summer. I don’t think it was a pre-meditated thing, more likely a reaction, as they proposed, to her grabbing a piece of his late night snack.

I don’t have any doubt that the crime scene wasn’t handled well by the police, but the actual crime scene photos of the window where the intruder supposedly entered showed that it would have been impossible for even a child to enter that window without disturbing debris and the large spider webs that were evident.

As for the keeping the lies straight, who knows. Watching those interviews with Burke as a child, well, he was one strange kid.

Any Steve Coogan fans here? The Alan Partridge series are great, but the two seasons of “Saxondale” rival “The Office” as one of the all time great British TV comedies.