Binge watched tv shows

@patsmom I hope that Longmire is renewed on Netflix. Personally I think Vic is a bit too flaky for Walt and I’d rather see her with Eamonn, but we’ll see. One of the things I appreciate about this show is that they have given Walt age-appropriate romantic interests. I loved when he said to Donna about pregnancy, “Aren’t we a bit…autumnal for that?”

Season 5 ended with two big cliffhangers so hopefully they will renew.

I thought Stranger Things was highly addictive.

The Longmire books are good, too. I’ve read several. I don’t know if the series has gone beyond them, as Call the Midwife has gone far beyond the book.

Good Girls Revolt - on Amazon video -
Carve out some time - Beware once you start- you will binge
Here is article related to the series
(No spoilers )

For you Stranger Things fans, this is pretty cute.

“I couldn’t help but like Jesse…”

Ditto. Who couldn’t like him?

I liked Gilmore Girls – my daughter was exactly the right age when it was on – but I agree it would be impossible to binge-watch. That much Lauren Graham would be difficult to take. Parenthood is a different matter, because she wasn’t onscreen anywhere near as much, and her performances were a tad (but only a tad) more restrained. The overall stories were a lot less cutesy. And Mae Whitman (who played Graham’s daughter on Parenthood) is a much better, more subtle actress than Alexis Bledel (the daughter on Gilmore Girls).

I did watch Gilmore Girls on netflix, sort of binging, sort or spread out. I was bothered by all the inconsistencies of the timing- she’s 15 but driving, she’s having a birthday and turning 16 again, she started high school as a sophomore but seemed to be there for 5 years, they just hang around Harvard walking into classes and answering questions. The grandparents live 30 minutes away but they can get there within minutes.

I don’t think Gilmore Girls stands up well. Maybe it was good on the original run, but now seems very dated.

Thanks for the feedback on Gilmore Girls. I didn’t like Lauren Graham on Parenthood - her character was just too wishy-washy and immature for me - that’s one of the reasons I am hesitating to start watching Gilmore Girls. Maybe I’ll just try a couple episodes and see how it goes…

I loved GG. But I watched it several years ago. Actually, the first 6 seasons or so are about the only DVDs I still own.

I tell D2 she’s watched GG and Friends often enough that she must know all the scripts now, line by line.

I’ve watched about 15 minutes of GG, in 5 or 6 bits, and in every one Lauren Graham irritated me so much that no way would I actually watch it. :slight_smile:

What’s with all the Lauren Graham hate? I love her. However, I also loved Bill Murray’s rendition of “Take Me Out To the Ballgame” during Game 3 of the World Series the other night, only to discover that baseball fans who post on Hardball Talk thought it was godawful.

To each his own, I guess! :slight_smile:

Eh, D and I are GG fanatics. We’ve binge-watched the whole series many times beginning to end. We’ll probably watch some before the official GG day - Nov. 25th, when the new episodes come out. I can see why some people feel differently. I’m just glad my D and I feel the same and have had that show to bond over- and discuss many topics of growing up/relationships, etc.

Who’s watching Goliath? Loving it two episodes in.

Goliath is interesting, and we enjoyed it. As so often happens in complex shows with many moving parts, I found the ending to be a bit “rushed,” as though someone had said to the writers, “let’s go kids, wrap it up already.” Still, well worth the time invested.

I am not a Lauren Graham hater. Perhaps, like Jessica Rabbit, she’s not bad, she’s just drawn that way, although it’s hard not to believe that there’s a lot of congruity between her personality and the way she is cast and the way her characters are scripted. Anyway, she’s a beautiful, vivacious (that gendered word again!) woman, and I like seeing her on screen. But not too much. Because when she’s on screen all the time I keep thinking that anyone who behaved that way in real life – the relentless flirtatiousness, the complete self-absorption – would be profoundly disruptive in her workplace or any other social setting, and would probably wind up being tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail within a week.

Is anyone else watching Designated Survivor? I’m enjoying it, although I think it is having some trouble finding its feet. I keep wanting to see some obviously practical things happening, like governors appointing new legislators so things can get rolling. I think Keifer Sutherland is great in it, but they should get Aaron Sorkin in to consult with the writers!

We are watching DS and are still calling Keifer Jack Bauer. (Is his name Tom?) I agree- it’s still lacking something. But I want it to continue.

@Consolation I watched the first few episodes but finally gave up. The writing is very weak. The show doesn’t seem to know where it wants to go. I thought that it would start to find its way but when it didn’t by the fourth episode, I stopped watching.