Binge watched tv shows

It’s really too bad. I also think that some of the casting is weak. The young woman who plays his assistant is a nonentity. The guy who plays the weasel whom he picked to be chief of staff is pretty blah, also. Contrast them to the actors on The West Wing, The Newsroom, Madam Secretary, Scandal…

In reality, it may be mostly the writing. But I think that more individual actors would make a difference. Or better directing. Or something! :slight_smile:

There are a lot of states where that’s possible including mine, but not Connecticut.

D and I watched a lot of GG back in the day.

I can’t put my finger on it either but it’s disappointing. I was trying to think what it was when I was catching up on it last night…I love Keifer Sutherland but not in this, and no one else is very interesting either. I’m still with it because i like the idea, but not for much longer unless it gets better.

Another disappointed Designated Survivor viewer. I may bail after this week’s episode. I have a hard enough time with Madam Secretary (which my husband loves), but at least the cast of the latter (for the most part) is very good.

I think the writing for both shows is pretty terrible. I haven’t seen The West Wing since it originally aired, but I do wonder how it would hold up. Still, it’s gotta be ten times better than either of these newer shows–whose plots I swear I confuse with seasons of both 24 (the one with Cherry Jones as president) and Commander In Chief with Geena Davis.

Homeland can get pretty nutty, but it’s so much better than most network dramas I’m able to catch, as is most of the cable fare I watch these days.

I don’t think you’ll have to bail on Designated Survivor - it’s on the chopping block and unlikely to make it.

I like it, and I especially liked the first episode when it was just chaos because that’s what I think it would be. Now it is just moving too slowly to get the government back up and running.

I agree. I also just don’t really like Keifer S’ character. He was sympathetic at first but now he just annoys me. Too gullible, a cartoon version of a liberal, and I’m not into any other characters except sort of the FBI agent who is catching all the off stuff, but I don’t think she can carry all the water for this show.

Not for a binge (there’s only one “episode” of it), but the Netflix documentary about Amanda Knox is fascinating, especially for parents of college-age children.

DH and I finished GG several months ago, after having binged Parenthood. We both liked it, and often had conversations about what would happen with the relationships, characters, and plot lines. Out of the blue, DH told me a couple of weeks ago that he doesn’t like Lauren Graham. Who knew?

There are lots of shows that are enjoyable only if one suspends the expectation of reality. Like Designated Survivor-- we’re sticking with it for now!

I like Designated Survivor but feel the pilot was the best. It is dragging and they need to pick it up. I think KS is doing a decent job but I’m getting tired of seeing him take of his glasses. I’m also watching This is Us, not so much because I love it, but because I can’t find anything else to watch. I tried one episode of Bull and it didn’t grab me.

So, I got The Americans from the library and am binging on that right now.

I really want This Is Us to be better than it is. It has some wonderful assets, but so far the whole seems to be less than the sum of its parts.

I’m really enjoying Queen Sugar, Ava DuVernay’s new drama on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). It has its soapy elements, but the acting is pretty great, and the all-female directing crew is terrific. It’s also great to have a show set in a rural community in the South, which allows for so many interesting story-lines. And for Parenthood fans, Tina Lifford (Jasmine’s annoying, self-righteous mother) has a fantastic role in the show.

I think the entire season can be watched for free via the OWN app until January.

You reminded me I have been enjoying Queen of the South (USA) as well.

Season 3 of Black Mirror is on Netflix (only 6 episodes long). Pretty good – sort of a 21st century clone of Twilight Zone. The episode titled “San Junipero” was especially good, as was the finale, “Hated In The Nation”.

Binged on Netflix “Grace and Frankie” Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Martin Sheen and Sam Waterson. Hysterical.

DH and I love “Grace and Frankie!” We can’t wait till the next season.

Just a heads up -starts Friday on Netflix.

My girls made me promise to wait till everyone is home at christmas to watch The Crown together.

I still haven’t watched the final few episodes of “The Good Wife,” because I watch the show (recorded) with my younger daughter, and we weren’t able to catch up during her two short visits home since the series ended.

I must say I envy all of you who have daughters with which you watch certain shows. :frowning:

^ me, too.

I did watch Lost with my son.

I have some friends who watched the original Bev Hill 90210 with their young daughters. Then the D’s became teenagers and dropped it like a hot potato but my friends were hooked and were stuck watching it until the very end. So be careful what you wish for! :wink:

My H and S and I used to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek Voyager and discuss the thical dilemmas when S was in elementary school.