Binge watched tv shows

I started watching The Crown, which is much better than I expected.

I am reminded of this iconic photograph:


Great historical photo. They should have staged a scene replicating that in the series. I went through that series very quickly. My husband was not interested at all. I wonder if there will be another season or it was a one off?

The Crown will continue with the next set of years as season 2. I read that then the entire cast will be replaced as all the people will be older and they’ll need a 40-50 year old queen, older children, etc.

I’ve watched it twice and noticed a lot more the second time through. I loved John Lithgow as Churchill.

I just started The Crown too. I’m having to restrain myself from binge watching; I want it to last.

When Queen Alexandra approaches and bows before her grand daughter before the funeral, she is wearing the same headdress and veil seen in the photo, and the image is very similar. Extremely powerful. I was disappointed that they didn’t stage the full scene, though.

I love The Crown, could not stop stopping it. Will watch it again too. John Lithgow was incredible.

This week I finished The Crown (loved it, ) Poldark Season 2 (don’t know if I can take anymore brooding on cliff so might bin a Season 3,) and I started Dance Academy (mindless drivel but I can use that at the moment and the Sydney scenary is beautiful to look at.)

@Consolation, I think you mean Queen Mary.

Is no one else watching Rectify? Really an excellent show. It’s on Sundance Channel and in its last season (4) right now.

I watched a few episodes of the first season of Rectify last year, but couldn’t really get into it. Maybe I’ll give it another try since I’ve heard so much about how good it is.

@emilybee Oops, you’re right. She was Mary of Teck. Alexandra was George V’s mother, one generation further back.

I, too, watched a few episodes of the first season of Rectify but couldn’t get into it. I was thinking about trying again after reading Emily Nussbaum’s recent piece on it in The New Yorker. Of course, she also raved about The Americans, the first few episodes of which I watched but failed to get hooked on. I keep meaning to try that one again.

A friend just told me today that she and her H love a British show called Catastrophe. She says it is somewhat raunchy and highly amusing.

^ Catastrophe streams on Amazon Prime. It might even be a Prime original.

“Good Behavior” anyone? Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey) plays a North Carolina grifter just out of prison. She robs luxury hotel rooms. Fake accents, wigs, make up jobs, just like “The Americans.” It airs Tuesdays on TNT. I knew nothing about it 'til I saw an ad for it. There are four episodes available On Demand right now. I’ve binge watched two and I’m going to try to watch the other two tonight. The first episode takes place in Asheville.

I commented on The Crown in it’s separate thread before seeing it is also discussed here. Loved it. I watched the 10 episodes over about two weeks but did binge watch the final four last night as I was hooked!

I like Michelle Dockery so will try to catch that show. The previews look interesting.

Michelle Dockery! :x Thanks for the tip.

@Consolation I remember being very sad at the end of Dance Academy :frowning: On a different note, has anyone else watched reign? It is Queen Mary of Scot storyline…I am fascinated!

Have become completely hooked by Bloodline, which is set in the FL keys (at a resort where D sometimes moonlights). D tells me they’re gearing up to film season 3!

Long Lauren Graham interview on WNYC, NYC’s excellent public radio station.

Have we talked about Black Mirror which is on Netflix?

H and I just finished all 3 series. Not exactly feel good watching- but very thought provoking. I would be interested in others thoughts.

@Sally22, we have watched only 5 of Black Mirror. We will watch them all, but they vary a lot in quality and darkness, episode to episode.

I need to catch up on them. I’ve only seen the first 2 episodes. I don’t feel like the ones I’ve seen are much of a stretch from where we are now. I watched them awhile back before this election cycle.