Binge watched tv shows

@auntiek, sadly I hear season 3 is the last for Bloodline. It is so gripping! I could not stop binging

Watching Master of None. Very funny.

Just finished Chicago Code. Fast moving and exciting.

Is anyone still watching The Affair? Iā€™m not sure how much Iā€™m enjoying this season which has been incredibly bleak so far. Not enough Cole for me. I continue to love Jennifer Esposito as Nina. Iā€™m disappointed in Sarah Ramosā€™ Audrey, she is being written as a caricature. I liked her on Parenthood but sheā€™s just very weak in this. And Brendan Fraser, wow, I didnā€™t even recognize him at first.

We are watching The Affair. Probably in for the duration, but bleak is right.

I was sad when Chicago Code ended. Also sad when Boss ended, speaking of Chicago.

The 3rd season of The Fall is pretty dark. Canā€™t say I enjoyed it so much.

@lookingforward , I agree
[spoiler]they set up the legal issues, the ethical questions, the conflicted lawyers, the collateral damage, etc. and then, biff bam boom, he commits suicide and weā€™re done. Itā€™s as though they lost heart or funding halfway through the intended season. [/spoiler]

I thought all of The Fall was tremendous.

I finished watching The Crown. Far exceeded my expectations.

I think it cast some genuine light on what probably seemed like arbitrary decisions to many regarding royal family marriages, and upon Elizabethā€™s deep sense of duty. Margaret really was a dreadful brat, and remained so until the end. Too bad her ā€œgreat loveā€ wasnā€™t worth sacrificing her prominent position for. We used to occasionally attend the polo matches in which Princes Phillip and Charles played near Windsor. The father often yelled at the son, mid-play, just like in the series. John Lithgow was wonderful as Churchill.

Iā€™ve had enough of Jamie Dornan.

Yes, I really donā€™t get the appeal of Dornan.

@psychmomma Yay, Master of None! :>

Iā€™ve been watching the first season of The Good Wife lately, to see what all the fuss (and Emmy Awards) was about. Itā€™s pretty good, a procedural with an over arching plot.

As it went on, they stopped having a story that was tied up neatly every week.

Anyone watching Rectify? So good. Series finale next week.

Just finished watching the first episode of ā€œHorace & Peteā€, Louis CKā€™s pay per play series now on Hulu. Absolutely brilliant writing and acting. Stars Louis, Steve Buscemi, Alan Alda, Jessica Lange and Edie Falco. My version of bingeing is only watching when I work out, it is epecially motivating when I have a great show such as this to watch.

Yes still watching The Affair. Not really interested in any of the new characters. And Oscar - more of him please - seems to have had a personality transplant, which makes no sense.

Iā€™ve finished The Crown too which, as I told my D, is like crack cocaine for Anglophiles. Claire Foy was magnificent.

This afternoon I ran across a marathon on HGTV, Flip or Flop. It is, of course, a show about a couple who flips houses, but it lacks all the things which often make these shows annoying. Itā€™s not a competition; there are no artificially imposed deadlines which make it a race at the end; no one is fighting. Itā€™s just this couple doing their job, and they do it well.

Iā€™m enjoying The Crown ā€“ about 3 episodes left. DH falls asleep almost every episode; oh well, thereā€™s no accounting for taste.

Sherlock ā€“ 3 episodes starting January 1 with the 3rd episode available in some theaters. :-bd

I watched episodes 8 and 9 of The Crown yesterday. They were both excellent and I think episode 9 was my favorite of the season. It moved easily between two storylines - Elizabeth spending more and more time with her friend Porchy, and the official portrait of Winston Churchill in celebration of his 80th birthday. Both were engaging and showed another side to each of those characters.

I think that the show has done a very good job of portraying the good and the bad of the monarchy. We can be cringing at one moment at a characterā€™s behavior and then the next, finding something endearing about them. Episode 8ā€™s trip for the Queen Mother to her friends in Scotland was a good example of that.

The acting has been uniformly good, in my opinion, but Claire Foy as Elizabeth has been exquisite, and there are no words to describe the portrayal of Churchill by John Lithgow. He is such a gifted actor and I couldnā€™t imagine him being any better than his wonderfully chilling portrayal of Arthur Mitchell in Dexter, that is, until this role in The Crown. Iā€™ve seen him onstage several times and I highly recommend that opportunity if you ever have it.