Binghamton Chances In-state DSON

Applied: Test optional, Early Action.
GPA UW: 92
GPA Weighted: 93.50
Regents exams: 85+ on all exams except for 2. One was in the high seventies and the other was an 84.
Courses: 5 AP’s and 8 honors classes over the past 4 years.
Rank: top 30% in class.
In state
Achievements: NYS scholar athlete in 11 seasons, Girl Scout Silver Award, Girl Scout Bronze Award, high honor roll every quarter for the past 4 years.
Senior year: NHS, Foreign Language Honor Society, Science NHS, Foreign Language Honor Society, Cross Country, Winter Track and Spring track (possible captain).
Junior year: Cross country, Winter track, Spring track, NHS, Foreign Language Honor Society, Science National Honor Society.
Sophomore year: cross country, winter track, and spring track. Inducted into the National Honor Society, Foreign Language Honor Society and Science Honor Society.
Freshman year: Girl Scouts, winter track, spring track, mentors club.
Major: Nursing (BSN)

I address my GPA in my college essay and external factors that have effected it over the past 4 years.

What are my chances of getting into the Decker School of Nursing with these stats?

Thank you very much in advance!

Were you accepted? Your GPA isn’t low so why the need to address it?