Binghamton or Rutgers?

So I recently committed to Binghamton because I was put on Rutgers Waitlist. I want to do journalism but I realized Bing doesn’t even have a journalism major. I’m doubting if I should even go here anymore if I get off the Waitlist, especially since I’ll be paying an extra $10,000 out of state at Bing for a major they don’t have. What are your thoughts? I want to make the smartest option.

Rutgers if you get off the wait list. If not try community college or your states flagship. It is highly recommend that you go to school that has your major you are interested in. I have a question how did you not know that Binghamton didn’t have journalism major before you applied? Or is something you realize after applying that you wanted to pursue a career in journalism

I agree with SupaDupaFly5. Go to a CC for a year and transfer to rutgers. bings does have a newspaper you can write for but I don’t think it is worth the extra money in your case.

I kinda just figured I could go to Bing and major in English instead and get involved in the newspaper, but I realized that isn’t worth the extra money.

How on earth did you get into Binghamton, but waitlisted by Rutgers? That makes zero sense lol

LBad96, I heard that binghamton is a bit more lenient toward out of state students who apply. That might be the case here.

Rutgers if you get off the waitlist. why would you would pay and extra $40,000 for a a degree you don’t really want? I turned down my absolute dream school because I couldn’t get into or transfer into the major that I want

Where else have you been admitted?

Actually, for a journalism major, (with or without the official major), you have several choices of major to which you add a minor:

  • Political Science
  • Foreign Language + Area Studies
  • Science&Society
  • Environmental Science/Studies
  • possible second minor in Technical writing, Nonfiction writing, or Digital media.

In all cases, the KEY element to the rest of your career will be 1° involvement in the campus newspaper 2° ability to cover something of interest/significance. Internships will be good too.

In short, get at least one in-depth academic specialty that will allow you to peg yourself other than as a generalist znd get the skills and proof (with actual articles).