Binghamton Presidential Scholarship

In my mailed acceptance letter from Binghamton, it’s written that I got the President’s Scholarship of $48,000 ($12,000 per year of attendance). I’m not really sure what this is in all honesty, when looking on Bing’s website all it says is that this scholarship exists and not much more. Is this a common scholarship given to out-of-state students? I thought that Binghamton was not big on giving merit scholarships so I’m a little confused, any info would be much appreciated

I’m not under the impression that my stats are stellar either (they are listed in a previous post if you like to internet stalk as I do), so I’m not quite sure what’s happening in all honesty.

Also would the office of Financial aid be able to give me info about it if I called? I don’t know how any of this works

What’s happening is that you should be really happy right now!! :slight_smile: Bing decided they want you as a student and are willing to give you a break on the OoS tuition. The one thing you might want to ask is what conditions need to be met for you to maintain that scholarship all 4 years. Sometimes you have to have a minimum GPA to keep it. Other than that it basically is simply a discount on the school’s sticker price. Good for you and congrats!!

DD also got Presidents scholarship- you have to maintain a 3.0 GPA and take at least 12 credits per semester to keep it.

are you OOS as well?

Yes @altoqueen also OOS.

congrats on your scholarship. My son is also OOS and just heard he got a Provost scholarship (8K for 4 years). Does anyone know anything about these–how many they give out? thanks.