Binghamton University 4 Person Suite

I am an incoming freshman at Binghamton University and I was just wondering if anyone (preferably someone who knows about the Binghamton suites) could tell me what it’s like to live in a 4 person suite at Mountainview.

I was somehow able to snatch a 4 person suite yesterday when housing opened up, and I will be living at Marcy in Mountainview.

How good are the 4 Person Suites? Are the common rooms the same size as the standard 6 Person Suite’s common room? Is it spacey?

I’m just looking for some insight as I am assuming I won’t be able to see the actual thing until Orientation. Anything is appreciated, thanks.

I’m a parent who visited there and saw a four-person and six-person suite. I don’t know how much smaller, but the common area in the four-person suite was smaller than the six-person suite. The four-person suite didn’t feel too small and was my child’s favorite room style at Binghamton.

They have pictures on their FB site of a Mountainview suite: and they did a FB live tour of all their communities

My son just finished his freshman year at Bing and he and his friends very much wanted a suite in Mountain view for their sophmore year. He says that Mountainview has the best suites at Bing.