Incoming Freshman Binghamton Dorms Suggestions??


I am planning to attend Binghamton in fall 2016 and would like to hear any advice on the dorms. Which dorm gives off a warm, family feel? Descriptions on any of the dorms would be nice. Also, should I choose suite or corridor style?

Please use the search feature, there are a million threads on this. CIW is warm family feel.

The dorms in general are a crapshoot so you can be unlucky and end up with a creepy deserted anti-social floor or you can luck out and get good floor mates and roommates. But to but it broadly

CIW-Old dorms. Some people say it has a stronger community but like most places it is a crapshoot of whether or not you get a decent floor or not. The stereotype is that they people that live there love to smoke weed.

Hinman-Older dorms but they are suites. Close to the library and lecture hall. Has a reputation for being full of more studious students as well as having a lot of internationals.

Mountainview-Nicest suites in my opinion. Cafeteria isn’t bad. Problem is that people only socialize within their suite so you better hope you live with decent people because you probably won’t get to hang out with people on your floor.

Newing-Newer dorms. Has a reputation for being social and having a lot of partiers. Only issue is that it’s kind of far from everything.

Dickinson-Newest dorms. Less social than newing. Kind of an awkward set up for some rooms. Also far from everything.

It really doesn’t matter what you pick that much because when my Son filled out his choices for freshman year, he ended up with Mountainview which was his 4th choice. He was quite disappointed. He ended up loving it and was so glad they assigned him there. You make your choices and can only hope you get one of your first few.

My d is also a freshman this fall , assigned to Hinman. Any info? Is it a welcoming group of kids?