Binghamton University Class of 2021 Decisions

My daughter’s status was just updated, accepted to Harpur, applied 12/12 regular decision

I was accepted to the Harpur college and i applied on Dec 27 RD

Applied Sept. 26 (RD by accident, meant to apply early action) Accepted to Harpur 1/25/17 @7:04PM (est). Out of state, only person from my school to apply, 3.2 UW GPA, 27 ACT.

Applied January 1st, accepted today to the School of Management!
34 ACT, 99.08/100 UW

Accepted! It’s my first acceptance too!
Applied to Harpur College of Arts and Sciences on January 5th
32 ACT, 95.76 Weighted Average, I live in NY State.

Applied December 11, accepted today to the School of Management!
30 ACT, 97.4 UW/100.14 Weighted. I live in NY.

Applied 12/13, accepted 1/25 to Harpur!
34 ACT, 97% UW GPA, in-state.

Applied 12/21, Accepted 1/25 to Harpur with 3+4 Optometry
33 ACT, 1990 / 1360 SAT, 97.16 Weighted GPA, In-state

My D applied 12/10 and just got her acceptance to Harpur last night via email to check her status.

I applied on 11/11 to harpur and haven’t received a decision yet. :(( 3.73 GPA and 29 ACT

I applied 12/29 and just got accepted to Harpur yesterday (1/25). 4.0 GPA and 32 ACT, but I’ve only taken one AP course in high school.

Hang in there

Do they send a letter gome, email you or is it on the status checker.

@iqbalm they send you an email saying there is an update to your status checker and then you can get your decision on the stays checker

I am trying to Transfer into the Decker School of Nursing.

@aed2021 Yeah I applied for RD. My unweighted GPA is 4.0, ranks 11/81 (fairly small private school) my SATs is 1240. I’m in a varsity volleyball group. I volunteered at nursing homes and public libraries. I’m also a member of art club and interact club.
I probably heard earlier because I’m an international student. I applied around the start of December and heard back fairly quick.

@jekcheat… What country?

@Rich44 Cambodia

Applied 12/25 (fun Christmas lol) accepted 1/30 to Harpur. 2260 (old) SAT, approx 3.5 unweighted (9 APs). New Yawker. I only saw the acceptance today because it was sorted into my spam folder . . . oops.

Does anyone know the first day it’s possible to choose dorms? I have one specific one in mind I’d like if I end up going to Bing, so I figure the earlier the better.

Cambodia wow! Make sure you buy a winter jacket and some good boots.