Binghamton University Class of 2021 Decisions

Any news for Decker applicants?


Have you looked at Albany or Suny Buffalo? Both have excellent business schools. Albany has a top notch accounting program. Right up there with Bing. Also, the Buffalo School of Management is excellent. I am not knocking Delaware. My cousin is from Delaware and his daughter went there, but I do not see where they are better than Buffalo or Albany. Especially for accounting! I know the Delaware campus is great compared to 100 inches of lake effect snow in Buffalo. But from a pure scholastic perspective, I do not see where Delaware is better than Albany or Buffalo in business. Good Luck!


I see alot of that reverse discrimination at alot of schools. It does seem that OOS students can have lower statistics and still get in due to the $$$$. I am curious as to your son’s statistics when he got into the SOM. I am sure he had to have good ACT/SAT scores to get in directly to the SOM. Also, how does he like the SOM? My son is a jr in high school and he thinks he wants accounting. I know Bing has a great network with many accounting firms for internships etc, but schools like Albany and Buffalo have great accounting departments as well.

I told my son it is his choice, but I feel if he does not get into the SOM as a direct admit, go to Albany, or Buff etc. The pressure is just too great to take a chance on transfering from Harpur. If you do not get in from Harpur, now what? Transfer? Switch majors? Sorry, not worth the risk.

Rejected as a transfer student. GPA was 2.60. weird that they didn’t ask for my spring grades. Oh well, at least I got accepted to Albany. Waiting for Penn State (top choice) won’t hear back until May. good luck to everyone

@NASA2014 Did you receive the rejection today? Good luck and congrats on Albany!

It said march 7, 2017

Applied EA to SOM, got deferred, received an email last night asking if I would consider switching my app to Harpur, replied yes, received acceptance to Harpur this evening.

My son had good stats. Not great. 1930 SAT (1290 verbal and math). 3.9 weighted GPA, but only top quarter rank. Weak extracurriculars. But, double legacy - my wife and me. And he was OOS. He likes Binghamton a lot. But he works very hard. Grades aren’t easy to come by. But, like you said, the SOM has a great network and pipeline to solid jobs. Bear in mind - acceptance rate to Harpur is roughly 40 percent. Acceptance rate to SOM is about 25 percent. It is a numbers game. Kids realize graduate school is $50k and up per year and are flocking to business schools so they can earn money after their undergrad degeee. When I graduated in 1990, no one gave a second thought to attending medical or law,school. Now? $70k per year and up. Crazy.


Thanks for the info. My son is finishing up his Jr yr and should have a 3.8-4.0 weighted gpa. He got a 32 on the ACT but who knows? Hopefully he will get into the SOM. like I have been saying for a long time, depending on what you want to do in business, you do not want to take a chance on transferring from Harpur. It is just too risky. Especially if one wants to study accounting. One can go to Albany, Oswego, New Paltz and get an excellent education in accounting. Are the internships and networking as good? No, but alot of firms do go to those schools as well.

If someone wants to go into investment banking, then, yes, you want to go to a top school. IB is a different world.

That said, it will be interesting to see what will happen in the next year. I would say Bing would be my sons first choice, however, I cannot say for sure. My son may like the atmosphere at Albany better, one never knows.

There is also one other thing to consider. Accounting is pretty much gpa driven. The Big 4 accounting firms like to see a minimum 3.2 gpa. Most really want a 3.5 or better. Now, accounting is not an easy major. I do not care if you go to NYU, Bing, Oneonta or Osh kosh, it is not an easy major. However, I would think that overall, Bing may be a more rigorous university than lets say Albany. That said, given that gpa is important to the accounting firms, is it better to go to Albany and get a 3.5, or go to Bing and get a 3.1? That is the million dollar question. Keep in mind that Albany has all of the big 4 firms flocking there as well, and they are very close to Bing in terms of internship opportunities.

I always wondered; does EY, or Price Waterhouse say to themselves, hey, a 3.0 at Bing is equivalent to a 3.4 or 3.5 at Albany or Oneonta? I do not believe they do. I do not think they really think that way, but I do not know. Life is tough, and you cannot always circumvent a situation but sometimes you have to be street smart. Does it pay to sacrifice a lower gpa for a more prestigious university overall? That is something I always think about, but may never have an answer for.

In the end, you just have to roll the dice I guess and give it your best shot.

@collegesfs22 curious were you really undecided since you accepted Harper over som?

Applied RD four months ago and still waiting. Anyone else in the same situation?

@starliffy If it helps, my S applied Early Action on Oct 6, was deferred on Jan 9, and has heard nothing since.

@STEM2017 I’m sorry to hear that. It seems that there are still quite a bit of people who haven’t heard anything yet. Fingers crossed…

dying here waiting

not sure if it’s helpful to anyone but friend’s kid transferred from Harpur to SOM without significant issues (a couple of years ago); another data point (probably meaningless) - just heard that average gpa in SOM is 3.6.

I’m international and was recently accepted to SOM and was named a PWC Scholar. I was counting on recieving SOME kind of merit aid from Binghamton. Do you think it’s a good idea to email and ask for aid?

Another college which is similarly ranked (Better on USN) offered me a full tuition scholarship. Should I tell them about that too?

PS: GPA: School doesn’t do GPA’s. But not too great. I’d say equivalent of 3.6-ish; ACT: 34; Ranked in Top 10 Percentile

I applied in January. Dang, hearing this from you means that I still have a long wait. :confused:

Does anyone know when Binghamton sends out rejection letters? All of my friends have been accepted, and me and this other kid still havent heard back yet. I havent heard of anyone getting rejected yet. I applied RD on Dec. 1

You’ll get an email that your portal has been updated. I got rejected.

@NASA2014 when did you get rejected? Sorry :frowning: