Binghamton University Class of 2021 Decisions

Got accepted! :smiley:
Iā€™m an IB candidate

Got in Harper College

does anyone know if decisions are released by location? or maybe by major or stats

@itsajoke you see, if you are a patient parent. Decisions are coming out.

watch me be like one of the last group of people to hear back from bingā€¦ ugh lol

@decemberbaby12 Same here, lol

Here too, ugh

My gpa is a 3.3/4(88/100) and 1200 SAT. I applied for the eop program for computer science program in November with a teacher and a counselor recommendation sent. I still havenā€™t heard back from Binghamton and I am worried. What are my chances?

@HashimN4 I am in the same boat as you with a 3.73 W GPA and 29 ACT (for Harpur) soā€¦nobody really knows whatā€™s happening at this point. I guess just wait and hope for the best.

@STEM2017 I feel the same way. Applied in November, deferred in January, and Iā€™m still waiting. It was the only school I applied to early action yet its the last school I have to hear back from. I feel like receiving acceptances to all my other schools has really brought Bing from a top choice school, to being off my radar since I have a new school of focus.

@misturcliff Iā€™m hoping my S hears good news soon. Like you, has other really great options and Bing has now fallen off his radar. If he is accepted soon, Iā€™m sure they will be right back in play.

Good luck to you!

Come on Bing! Letā€™s go already!

At this point, I would be frustrated as well. I know the deadline. I will say one thing - if your son gets in and attends - he wonā€™t care what month he gained admission.

Iā€™m more nervous than impatient for my decision-- I am pretty borderline for their statsā€¦but I really want to get in.

good grief, isnā€™t there a backdoor way to check this year

My hope my daughter hears good news real soon. Good luck to all!




D applied EA as well and got deferred to RD. Still waiting also. I am going to show her this forum to make my point that I am not the only one stressing out about the wait. Lol. I get cursed at when I carefully ask if thereā€™s any news.

Seems most of these students who havenā€™t heard are the ones who really want to get in and attend I hope the outcome is all worth the wait. 14 more days we should know.

Hi guys! After reading some of these posts I felt compelled to chime in. I was you for two years in a row waiting what felt like forever for the Bing decision, first on the Bing class of 2019 thread and a year later on the class of 2020 thread. Two sons a year apart

Son #1 applied EA to Bing Harpur, was deferred in Jan, and accepted mid March. He is currently a sophomore in Bing on the pre-med track. He is very happy at Bing, made a lot of nice friends, involved in clubs and is doing great.

Son #2 applied to Bing SOM (Bingā€™s most competitive school), was deferred in Jan, and denied in March. He is currently a freshman at another large SUNY school, where he was accepted direct admit into the business program with scholarship $ and is in the honors program. He too is very happy (I never thought he would like being away but I am happy to say he proved me wrong lol). Son #2 also has a nice group of friends, also very involved in clubs and is doing great.

Also, the daughter of a good friend of mine (class of 2019) was denied for the fall semester but accepted for spring (another decision some will be offered on this thread in the weeks to come).
She went to another SUNY for the fall semester and then transferred to Bing in the spring and then wondered what the heck she did that for. She had already started her college life at the other school, made friends etc. Even though she liked Bing she said when she got there she realized she was no happier in Bing than the other school.

My reason for this post is that I want to share that even though there is no denying that Bing is a fantastic school it is definitely not the only fantastic school out there. Many of you have posted your stats and achievements and you should be very proud of yourselves! If it isnā€™t meant for you to go to Bing please donā€™t let it get you down, you will excel in whatever school you choose. It is not the school who makes the student, it is the student who makes the student and donā€™t ever forget that :slight_smile:

I wish all of you the best of luck in the school you attend and enjoy the wonderful future you have ahead of you!