Binghamton University Class of 2021 Decisions

Fantastic post. Puts everything in perspective. My son is a freshman in the SOM and is very glad he is there.

I echo your sentiments. Good luck to all. As I told my son, there are many good schools out there.

What @dim9798 said is very helpful and reassuring. If you do end up getting denied from Binghamton (or any of your top schools), then maybe it’s a sign that even if you were to go there that it might not have been the college you so hoped to excel in. In retrospect, me, and many others who truly want to go to this school that haven’t heard back yet, have perhaps dug ourselves our own holes. The wait unfortunately makes the college even more desirable, and when you’re checking the forums every day, and you check the status checker every day, you start to become a little obsessed.

Thus leading a denial to cause a much harder impact.

What I’m saying is-- for those who haven’t heard back yet and don’t know if they will be getting in, don’t cling too hard to the school because in all honesty there is no way of knowing what decision they will make, good or bad. Don’t make the same mistake I make every day: I worry about their decision so much that if I get denied it will probably break me! :-bd

Remember, there are many options out there, don’t limit yourself! It takes effort to find your fit.

Was accepted minutes ago to Harpuer college,
GPA- 3.7UW
GPA- 4.0 Weighted
SAT Combined- 1310
Extra Curriculars- Varsity sport, leader debate club, volunteer and work experience
Applied October 25th, deferred January 6th
Been in 5 AP Classes in High school career

finally accepted to harpur after being deferred on January 6th!
GPA unweighted: 3.6 (90.1)
ACT: 31
took 4 AP classes in HS
in state from Long island

didn’t hear back yet

god i hope not to be in the last group

I didn’t hear back either

just got in to harpur around 7:00
got deferred 1/6
3.7 UW gpa
4 ap classes
28 ACT

I just got into Harpur!!
Best. Birthday. Present. Ever. :smiley:

Didn’t hear today

@Doberlady did u apply to school of management?

My son to Harpur. Was deferred months ago

Just got my financial; aid award letter and email. Lol :smiley:

Still nothing

I hope I don’t end up being literally the last person to be notified of their decision

nothing today from Bing but my son was accepted to American today!

Still haven’t heard back from SOM ( Assuming I got rejected tbh)

I got in :slight_smile:

When? @Coll5678

Late January for RD @umiboomi