Binghamton University Class of 2021 Decisions

@Coll5678 which college did you apply to?

Harpur college of arts and sciences @ladder39

I applied as a mathematics major

It’s official! I will be attending Binghamton in the fall. :slight_smile:

Congratulations @starliffy!

Congrats @starrliffy and everyone else that got in!

@starliffy congrats!! when did you hear from them?

@decemberbaby12 I’ve been waiting since November and I pretty much have known for a while that Binghamton is the school I wanted to attend if I were to get accepted. I heard back on March 20 through the status checker.

Was just wait listed at the SOM. What a bummer.
My stats.
GPA-3.4UW ( Go to a very difficult, well known Binghamton feeder school)
SAT-2170 (1520 converted to new SAT)
Physics SAT II-700
Extra Curricular- a lot, including creator of an online business, and a well known website.

Only took 2 AP’s ( Had a bad freshman year which barred me from taking any more, ik my school kind of sucks for that.)

Seems like decisions are being released one at a time.

Just got rejected from SOM…

did you guys hear back today?

Just got into Harpur!

oh thank god you got in because I thought they were sending all the accepted at one time, and the waitlisted, and so on

Did anyone who applied to the engineering school hear back recently?

All these people still being accepted gives me hope. I had heard from someone that if you don’t get in by the first week of march you’ve probably been rejected. I guess that was wrong

I am shocked! You have amazing stats. Ridiculous. I suspect that being too strong for Bing often works to one’s disadvantage, like they know that with these stats you could totally get into NYU Stern so they don’t want to extend the acceptance offer.

My son applied to Harpur, still waiting, it’s agonizing at this point. It’s not the end of the world as he wants to go for premed major and has SUNY Buffalo and Stony Brook acceptances already but socially, he loves Bing, it’s his first choice.

Theyre dragging it …UUUGH

friend got rejected yesterday

no decision for me yet though