Binghamton University EOP

I have a 81 GPA and 900 SAT. Do I have a chance to get in? I also am in ALOT of clubs and have two sat subject tests. Thank you :)!

Did you get a request for documents too ? I have an 89 and 1120 SAT. I’m in tons of club and 3 sat subject tests and stellar recommendations.

Not yet :slight_smile: I applied yesterday.

Hi! I have an 86 average and a 1080 on the SAT. I also did tons of extracurriculars and took a couple of AP classes. I applied in October and so far they have told me that I was academically eligible for eop.

Wow you guys are lucky… I feel like these schools don’t want me so they aren’t sending me anything. a rejection would at least help. My anxiousness is hell. But congrats to you guys :)!

Just keep waiting. They probably still haven’t gotten to your application yet. I’m still waiting for a final decision.

Have any of you heard back?