Binghamton University SUNY

Hi ! I have been recommended Binghamton University as a potential college. I was wondering if I could get any insight from either people who have visited or attended. I am an international student and am looking to pursue either an English or Political Science major, in hopes of going to law school. I am also open to any other recommendations, mainly interested in the Northeast, but am open to the Midwest and West Coast. Thanks :slight_smile:

One piece of feedback: Binghamton is a bit isolated, meaning you are on a campus with lots of other kids (17,000), but major event hubs like Boston, NYC or Buffalo are many hours away via train or car. Binghamton itself is a smaller city with some things to do, but not a place anyone aims to visit, IMHO. Some kids are good with this. Other kids may not be. It’s a great school with a neat campus and lots of good kids, but some people want to be close to NYC or something similar. It’s also cold in terms of weather, when you compare it to the mid-Atlantic our South East, but cold is relative, and it depends on where you are coming from.