What is life like at Binghamton University?

How has your experience been at Binghamton? Pros/cons? How can you make it feel smaller? How many of your classes each semester had more than 30 students?

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My son is a senior. He loves Bing! I do think some majors have more enjoyable classes than others.

Generally, my son’s classes have been around the 20 student mark, give or take.

Pros would be a very nice campus feel. It’s easy to walk from any part of the campus to another because it’s generally in a big circle. There are a lot of activities and events. The student population is reasonably racially diverse. There is a growing population of out of state and international students. Dorms are generally excellent. NY state has invested a lot of money in the campus and there are constant improvements.

Binghamton itself has a lot of varied food and shopping options. The area is stunning in the fall and gets snow, if you like that. It’s close to other college towns and attractions in the area.

A pro or a con, depending on your viewpoint, is the very lively downtown scene. Binghamton is pretty hopping and there is quite a bit of partying, if you are looking for that. Greek life has active participation, though it doesn’t dominate campus life.

Cons would be large classes with impersonal professors, primarily for underclassmen. My son is an Econ major and does complain about his department, especially. He has enjoyed classes in other departments much more, primarily in film and history. The student population has grown rapidly in the last ten years and it can be hard to get classes at first, but this is true at most public universities. OTOH, it is pretty easy to switch into other classes.


You should read this thread too.

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I’m a SUNY product from too long ago to mention (Albany) but don’t know much about Binghamton. What would you say are it’s strongest departments for undergrad?

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