Binghamton vs geneseo

<p>Pros/Cons? was wondering which has a better pre-vet program or chemistry</p>

<p>Geneseo Princeton Review Admissions Selectivity Rating: 93
Binghamton Princeton Review Admissions Selectivity Rating: 92
Stony Brook Princeton Review Admissions Selectivity Rating: 89</p>

<p>Geneseo average SAT : 1252
Binghamton average SAT: 1250
Stony Brook average SAT: Not Reported</p>

<p>Geneseo average ACT: 27
Binghamton average ACT: 26
Stony Brook average ACT: Not Reported</p>

<p>Geneseo average High school GPA: 3.7
Binghamton average High school GPA: 3.6
Stony Brook average Highschool GPA: 3.6</p>

<p>Geneseo Students in top 10% of HS class: 50%
Binghamton Students in top 10% of HS class: 40%
Stony Brook Students in top 10% of HS class: 33%</p>

<p>Geneseo Princeton Review Academic Rating: 78
Binghamton Princeton Review Academic Rating: 75
Stony Brook Princeton Review Academic Rating: 73</p>

<p>Genseo Princeton Review quality of life rating: 72
Binghamton Princeton Review quality of life rating: 62
Stony Brook Princeton Review quality of life rating: 62</p>

<p>To total it all up…
Categories “won” by Geneseo: 7
Categories “won” by Binghamton: 0
Categories “won” by Stony Brook: 0</p>

<p>Its also a very different kind of school. Do you want a small selective liberal arts school? or do you want a larger university setting (where there is nothing to do... I really dislike that area)</p>

<p>There aren't a TON of things to do in Geneseo either....but giogio11, I would contact the departments you are interested in at each school and try to talk to/email with current majors to get a feel for the sciences at Geneseo and Binghamton.</p>

<p>i got into geneseo, but rejected from binghamton....don't know how that works....</p>

<p>its always like that aalya123. i know tons of ppl that got into geneseo that were rejected from bing</p>

<p>I would choose Geneseo.</p>

<p>for what's it's worth, i have about a dozen friends at each school ... and my friends at Geneseo seem worlds happier than my friends at Binghamton.</p>

<p>Also keep in mind that Geneseo and Binghamton have varying ethnic concentrations and demographics. Binghamton rose to over 20% Asians in the 90s, while Geneseo only broke 10% recently. Also, Binghamton has a staggeringly high majority of its students from the NYC/Long Island area. Certain people may fit in better at either school.</p>

<p>What is your definition of a staggering majority that come from NYC and Long Island? Binghamton has stated that the current freshman class is made up from 20% Long Island and 22% from NYC which makes about 42%. Since about 2/3rds of the NYS population resides in NYC and Long Island I would say they are underrepresented. After all it’s a state school. But your point is well taken there still are a lot of students NYC/Long Island at Binghamton so if for some reason you want to get away from that crowd don’t go there. It’s just most of the good schools in the northeast both public and private have relatively high percentages of students from NYC/Long Island.
Geneseo and Binghamton are the two best SUNY’s by far with about equal academic standards and prestige. Therefore I agree with you completely that it’s not about right or wrong but all about fit. Some people will like Geneseo better then Binghamton and other will like Binghamton better than Geneseo. You need to visit each school and decide for yourself which is best for you. In either case you’ll get an excellent education for a bargain price.</p>

<p>My child is a sophomore attending a rigorous private high school in NYC and currently has a 3.4 gpa. What are the admissions criteria for SUNY Geneseo, New Paltz and Binghamton? Any chance of admission at any of these? Is the rigor of the high school curriculum (no APs so far) taken into consideration?</p>

<p>oldermom, here is a chart with the stats for the middle 50 percent of admitted students at the SUNYs last year. The averages are weighted.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks so much for the reply! This is very helpful info. I’m wondering what the unweighted GPAs would look like or how I could find that information. My kid has severe ADHD but her study skills (and grades) are improving. Still, I’m wondering how much it would be possible for any kid to increase his or her GPA from second semester sophomore year through junior year.</p>

<p>@ oldermom99 take AP’s if offered. I feel it helps alot. We picked Geneseo!</p>

<p>@GCMom415 - Glad to hear your daughter loved Geneseo and actually made her final decision. Also glad she got in for the fall semester. I think we are pretty much set with my son’s decision to attend there as well. I think we are just finishing out our last college visits as a formality. By the end of next Monday, our visits will be complete, and then we will go ahead and send in our deposit. Very exciting times, as long as we can keep them focused on finishing out their senior year strong!</p>

<p>@JDDad2013 she is pretty excited. She is meeting with some girls from the facebook group this weekend in NYC. She may choose a roommate if not I think Geneseo will do a fine job with that. Need to get her some warm clothes for next year. We are not used to the upstate weather!
I hope she does well on her AP’s I think she has 4. We could use those credits. I am also glad she wont have to take the language requirement as she has taken the language 1 year after regents.
Have a nice visit and your other school. The weather is warming up finally!
Im so glad this decision is done…Now we look forward to Prom Graduation and DORM shopping!! My son didnt care when he went…my daughter will!</p>