<p>I've seen the info on the website, but I was wondering if anyone has any experience or any information not on the website with Biobehavioral Health as a major or as a minor? Also the site shows Biobehavioral Health as being part of the College of Health and Human development - is that seperate from Eberly? Also do you think it is a good path to medical school? My daughter is very interested in the program but she wants to go on to med school. I know there are many paths to med school but was wondering if this was indeed one. </p>
<p>Any info would be appreciated and thank you in advance for the helpfulness of those on this board,</p>
<p>College of Health and Human Dev is seperate from Eberly. Human health has majors like nutrition and BBH. Your D could major in anything at Penn State and still go to med school, just as long as she completes the pre med reqs needed for most schools (Calc, Chem, O Chem, Bio etc). I just took a look at what the BBH major requires [Undergraduate</a> Degree Programs: Baccalaureate Degree Programs](<a href=“Undergraduate Bulletin | Penn State”>Undergraduate Bulletin | Penn State) and it looks like there is a lot of room for specialization in the major, so your D could take pre med reqs to satisfy her major reqs, just make sure she tells her advisor this so he can help her plan. </p>
<p>BBBH looks like a great major and I know several people who enjoy it. It also is a good foundation for other healthcare careers if your D changes her mind/does not get into med school.</p>
<p>cwryan1 </p>
<p>You have been VERY VERY helpful on a number of PSU and Schreyer’s questions I have had over the past several months. Please know that I greatly appreciate your insight and kindness in taking the time to help me and others here. No one in my family has been to college yet and it’s nice to have guides such as you. </p>
<p>You are an asset to PSU. I don’t know what your major is or what your future plans are, but I’m sure you will make PSU proud! Thank you for your time and again, your kindness.</p>
<p>Hey no problem. Glad I can help. Just please excuse my bad typing grammar, had a week of midterms and it is starting to catch up with me.</p>