Biochem M.S. deciding to take the MCAT. Which additional classes should I take?

I am a biochemistry graduate candidate.

Recently, I decided that I want to go in a different direction (after completing my M.S.) and take the MCAT.

As you can imagine, I have the usual classes (general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, biochemistry).

What I don’t have are biology, psychology, or sociology classes.

Obviously, I don’t have unlimited time.

I have about a year to take classes in preparation for the MCAT.

In that year, which classes should I take?


Critically important classes are general biology 1 & 2 with labs. Stats or biostats.

Why? Because these are requirements for admission at nearly every medical school in the country.

Topics covered on the MCAT:

Also be aware that while many people find it easy to self-study for the soc/psych portion of the MCAT, an increasing number of medical schools require coursework in social sciences as an admission requirement.

I strongly suggest you purchased access to MSAR (Medical School Admission Requirements–$30 at AMCAS) to see what coursework specific medical schools require.

BTW, don’t be fooled into thinking that just because a med school says it has no set requirements that it’s OK to be missing key coursework. Not having any bio classes will be held against you.

Medical school admission also has many unwritten expectations–like having the “right” ECs. If you don’t have a significant amount of hands-on clinical exposure to patients and non-medical community service (especially with disadvantaged groups), plus at least a modest amount (50 hours or so) of physician shadowing (particularly the primary care fields), your MCAT won’t matter. Your application will simply be passed over.

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