<p>What features do you prize most in members of whatever biological concept you happen to be inclined towards?</p>
<p>As a heterosexual male, I've personally always liked tissue composed of long myosin fibers, cells with a propensity for anaphase, and medium sized gibberellins (not to say that I don't find those that do not fit this criteria unappealing... but ya know what I mean ).</p>
<p>Ecological features have always been interrelated, so certain biomes, in my eyes, go well with certain plant species, which in turn depend on trophic structure and energy placement and the like. I've always been a fan of "sunny" climates, though.</p>
<p>I like icecream. Charmeleon, unfortunately, does not arouse me in any way.</p>
<p>CC is running through your veins.</p>
<p>Oh my, this is great :D </p>
<p>omg i look at prophase on google everyday. so hot. i heard 8 in 10 humans like anaphase though. omg they're so horny. i'm so hot.</p>
<p>This reminds me so much of the AP Bio chat room that dissolved into an orgy. About the funniest thing ever. </p>
<p>Orgy Person: I want to touch your xylem all over
Random Question Person: What is xylem?!???1?
Everyone Else: ..........</p>
<p>awww shucks =/
is the sexual aesthetics thread gone?
i woke up this morning and it wasn't there anymore
it went bye bye...</p>
<p>Yah, I think the mods deleted it. Oh well... :/</p>
<p>I like my guys with HUGE mitochondria. ya know...</p>
<p>Yeah, well guys with HUGE vacuoles are MUCH more appealing.</p>
What an interesting thread...
<p>I have no idea what you're talking about.
Okay well I get it but wowww.</p>
<p>I get it, although it took a moment to register, and it just makes me laugh.</p>