<p>Here is the fun stuff.</p>
<p>what aspects of molecular biology does genetics cover. what exactly will be the syllabus at a college? just checking out the thread system. TC.</p>
<p>Genetics covers aspects of molecular biology such as- DNA processes and gene expression mostly, but also production of transcription factors, and genetics and devlopment go hand in hand also. Genetics and crossing over involving homologous chromosomes during prophase I and crossing over rates/chromosome mapping, etc etc</p>
<p>I think molecular/cellular/developmental is so much better than ecology and evolution...but that's just me</p>
<p>I'm extremely fascinated with ecology and evolutionary studies but there's not too much money in it. After I retire I will probably go back to school and get a degree in ecology. But yeah, I pretty much love all biology.</p>
<p>Yes, celebrian, that is just you. i think molecular biology is one of the most boring aspects of life science, but evolution is the single most awesomest thing in the entire world, in my opinion. Good luck to all of you studying bio next year.</p>
<p>I like som ecology/evolution, like adaptations and the such. maybe it stems from my great dislike of darwin.</p>
<p>Yeah I didn't like Dizzle either to start, but after I read "Origin of Species" he was awesome!</p>
<p>where will you guys be next year? It'd be interesting to know where all of you are planning to study and compare the respective colleges</p>
<p>i'm just a junior. I have no idea where good mid-range bio schools are. I know about all the top schools, but in terms of matches, I'm at a loss. So I'd like to know where you guys are going too.</p>
<p>Origin Of Species is like a Disney fairy tale now. The evidences that Darwin thought would support his "theory" did just the opposite.</p>
<p>what? how random..</p>
<p>hey think, why dont you think harder, get your head out of your ass and appreciate Chizzle Dizzle's work man! lol jk, some people like it, some dont. hes awesome and im gonna study ecology/evolutionary biology! lol im a junior but my list of schools:</p>
<p>If I choose to major in Molecular/Cellular/Developmental Biology and Mathematics:
UC Berkeley</p>
<p>If I choose to major in Ecology/Evolutionary Biology and Mathematics:
UC Santa Cruz
CSU Humboldt
UC Berkeley</p>
<p>“think harder” It is obvious you do not aspire to study philosophy or English.</p>
<p>I do not have a donkey. </p>
<p>The study of evolutionary biology should be a one-hour class or perhaps a brochure. You go and have fun with it.</p>
<p>dont understimate the whole field, think. if it were insignificant, there wouldnt so much research done for it, so many intelligent people would not want to study it. you might not share the same opinion at adidasty, but you dont have to be so belligerent about it</p>
<p>I kind of hate evolutinary biology and I hope to take as little classes on it as possible. I really dislike Darwin. a lot. I thought I disliked him last time I commmented here, but that's before we did 5 chapters on evolution in ap bio. Now I want to never hear that name Darwin again.</p>
<p>lol celebrian. so studying more evolution made you dislike him even more? ehhhh w/e i love ecology and evolution. it rules. plus is got some cool math stuff involved too, especially ecology and population growth and stuff. fun! lol</p>
<p>yes, the more I study Darwin, the more my dislike for him grows</p>
<p>ah thats okay, i mean as long as u like PART of biology. ive met some losers who hate biology for no reason which isnt cool at all. lol its all about biology and math!</p>