Biology/ chemistry question

I notice that the lecture portions of general bio and general chem are 3 hrs plus a one hour recitation/discussion (and that’s not counting the 3 hour labs for each of them).

So are these courses actually 6 hours a week each (even though only 4 credit hours)?

Yes, although the Professor may or may not use the recitation period and the lab may or may not take the full time allotted. OChem is the same. Then Ochem2 is similar but more hours for credit as well as time. Though my DS loves his OChem sequence…what a sick-o

@2015pop thanks!

I guess my math did not add up either: using all the hours for lectures, recitations, and labs, each course could actually be 7 hours each per week!

As Bill the Cat said, “Ack!”

If I remember correctly, colleges typically do this for classes with lectures, labs and recitation hours. The total may be 6-8 hours a week, but the credit hours are usually only 4-5 credits.

The recitation time usually doesn’t get counted as a lecture hour since it’s usually not used that way…and some don’t use it at all. Recitation hours are more typically used for tutoring and testing.