<p>I’m having a hard time feeling like I can get anything through to you. It’s like each sentence you type is spouting off a new argument, usually off topic, and always crappy.</p>
<p>It sounds to me like you can’t find a job you enjoy and are blaming the major rather than yourself.</p>
<p>“how many entry level positions? none?”</p>
<p>On 11/30/10 There was one position that had no required prior lab experience. The others did, but it’s not hard to get, at least at my school, because anyone doing biology or similar majors can quite easily get undergraduate experience. I worked for both the UW and the Fred Hutchinson Research Center. Your argument is off-topic anyway, as just because they are not entry level doesn’t mean someone with the degree they ask for can’t get the job, but someone with a degree they don’t ask for (chem, chemE) could. “Oh, so you don’t have animal surgery or protein expression experience, but you can make a distillation column? You’re hired!”</p>
<p>“Try teaching how to design a distillation column or interpret NMR results to a high school student in 3 hours? They don’t even let you touch the NMR machines until year 3.”</p>
<p>-That has absolutely nothing to do with my argument. Chem E jobs are harder, yes. This does not disprove my point that one can get a job with a BS in Bio or similar field.</p>
<p>“Immunohistochemistry? Don’t talk to me about IHC, I did IHC for a whole damn year. You don’t need any theoretical training in biology to do IHC. I could’ve taught the procedure to a high school student in 3 hours.”</p>
<p>-Hey stupid, I didn’t talk to you about it. I copy pasted it from a job requirement list from one of the positions. And this beats my argument how? Since the jobs are easy, they don’t exist? They do exist, I just showed you several posted from one institution from one day.</p>
<p>"Biology or similar field? "</p>
<p>-Yes, that’s what it says in the job requirements section. You really did just read that.</p>