Biology SAT Scores


<p>I'm sorry if this is a bit redundant, but I'm a bit confused :) I recently took the SAT subject tests just to see how I would do. I know the schools I'm looking at really aren't looking for SAT subject tests, but I figured that since I already have a decently high SAT score (1960) and I wasn't expecting it to go up (so I didn't want to waste a test day if I didn't think it was going up), I decided to try my luck at these subject tests--Biology E, Chemistry and German. For the record, I'm applying to nursing schools, but not super competitive ones or anything :) </p>

<p>My score for german was awful, not going to lie, because I just decided to wing it--I only took German 2 and haven't spoken german in 3 years ;) </p>

<p>My chem score was 590, which I'm really not planning on sending in</p>

<p>My biology E score was a 630. I know it's really not that great, but it's not too bad either. Considering I didn't study at all, and haven't taken bio since last year, I don't think it's that bad. But my question is... should I send in this score, or should I just leave it out and pretend I didn't take any subject tests? For reference, these are my other stats</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7
SAT: 1960
Essay: Compelling life-story
Extracurriculars: Interning at a hospital this summer, volunteering at rehabilitation center, mentoring children in school, tutoring kids outside of school, and possibly interning at my pediatrician's this summer as well</p>

<p>Would adding in a bio SAT score of 630 add to or hurt my chances of getting into nursing school based on my other stats?</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Hi , I think you’ll be ok.
Even though I don’t know what goes inside the admission office ( I wish I could ), I think the 630 Bio is a good score.
My D got something similar & she sent it in anyway. Her SAT was in the 700s - mid700s, I was afraid the schools would frown upon her mid600s Bio …but she got into her 1st choice so I am thinking I worry too much & that 600 & up is pretty good !
I was told that schools look at GPA and the class rigor more than test scores because what a student has taken over 4 yrs is more important than a 3hr test.
( I will prob. not send the German & Chem Scores to the schools unless the programs you are applying to want 2 subject tests, most do not )
Good Luck</p>

<p>Thanks so much! Yeah I’m not planning on sending the other two in, but I’m still on the fence about biology. None of the colleges I’m looking at requires sat IIs but I took them anyway as an extra. I think I’ll ask my guidance counselor what she would recommend. </p>

<p>Are you applying to actual nursing school (like to actually start nursing classes) or are you applying to start your prereqs for nursing (anatomy, physiology, chem, etc)? Are the schools you’re applying to direct entry? If you’re actually applying to a nursing program, I can’t imagine them really caring about SAT II scores, they’ll most likely be considering your prereq GPA over anything else. If you’re applying to start prereqs or to a direct entry program, it might be worth sending in the Bio score. Try looking up your schools’ policies on SAT II scores, as some schools don’t even consider them during the admissions process, so it might be a waste of your money sending it in. But, at the same time, I don’t think it would really hurt you. It’s a pretty good score.</p>

<p>I also took the Chem and Bio SAT IIs (except I took Bio M instead of E). I got a 650 on chem and a 700 on Bio M, and my SAT I was an 1840. I was accepted to start nursing prereqs at Cal State Bakersfield, Cal State Long Beach, San Francisco State, and Northern Arizona, and I was denied from UC Irvine (probably due to my low GPA of 3.6 and the fact that it’s just a hard program to get into. Only about 72 out of over 1,000 applicants are accepted each year). So I’m not really sure if my SAT II scores helped me, necessarily, but I don’t think they hurt me either. </p>