Biology & Society vs. Biological Sciences

<p>if you apply your major as Biology & Society, would it be easier to get into Cornell CALS CAS or Humec than if you do Biological Sciences which is known to be very competitive?</p>

<p>and if you guys know those majors well, feel free to tell me about them in detail (Your experience, general knowledge about those majors, etc.)</p>


<p>i’m a bio major in CAS.
my favorite thing about the bio major is that i’m able to pick a specific concentration. here’s the list…</p>

<p>Animal Physiology
Computational Biology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
General Biology
Genetics and Development
Insect Biology
Molecular and Cell Biology
Neurobiology and Behavior
Plant Biology
Systematics & Biotic Diversity</p>

<p>I was a Biology and Society major at Cornell (CALS). When I graduated two years ago, BSoc was on its way to becoming one of CALS’ most competitive majors. </p>

<p>The thing that attracted me most to BSoc over Biological Sciences was the program’s emphasis on the relationship of the “hard sciences” to the social sciences. If you haven’t already done so, I suggest you take a look at the Science and Technology Studies/Biology and Society department website: [Department</a> of Science & Technology Studies](<a href=“”></p>