Biomed Engineering major and sociology minor?

Hey guys, I’m a sophomore at UMass Amherst studying biomedical engineering. I have a 3.57 right now and after I’m done with my winter class should have a 3.6. I’ve only taken an intro to engineering class so far and several science and math classes but I’m pretty sure I want to stick with engineering.

First of all I was wondering if you guys think majoring in pre-med biomedical engineering and minoring in sociology* would add anything? I think sociology is cool and I’m pretty into the stuff I’m learning in my winter class right now.

Also, do you guys think that a bachelors degree from UMass in biomedical engineering will be enough to get a decent job?

Input would be much appreciated guys. Thanks!

You have to take some electives in various areas (e.g. global studies, history, etc) so why not sociology? I was an Electrical Engineering major and we had to take 4 classes in an area and I did Anthropology because I thought it was interesting.

Talk to your Career Center about how Bio med Eng do in finding jobs.