<p>Does anyone have any college suggestions for a high school junior (male) looking for a Top 30 Bio-medical Engineering program with a strong D3 mens soccer team, and one that possibly has merit aid? I know it's a long shot, but someone out there may have some ideas! Thanks!</p>
<p>[Illinois</a> Institute of Technology](<a href=“http://www.iit.edu%5DIllinois”>http://www.iit.edu) is making a transition to D3 in the next year [Illinois</a> Institute of Technology Scarlet Hawks News](<a href=“http://www.illinoistechathletics.com/article/595.php]Illinois”>http://www.illinoistechathletics.com/article/595.php) and we do give merit aid. Whether you would consider our Biomedical engineering program “top 30” is another question, we are part of the [Association</a> of Independent Technological Universities: AITU](<a href=“http://theaitu.org%5DAssociation”>http://theaitu.org)</p>
<p>Thanks for the info!</p>