Biomedical Engineering or Chemical Engineering?? Please help!

<p>Biomedical Engineering - How hard is it to transfer? And when can I transfer? (I got into Natural Sciences) if I take courses like Cal I, II, Bio I, II, Physics, Chem I, II my first year and get and GPA of about 3.7 - 3.9 what are my chances of transfering after the first year? And how hard is the courseload? How time is required to maintain a GPA above 3.5?</p>

<p>Chemical Engineering - how hard is it to transfer into with the same conditions mentioned above? And how hard is the courseload? How much work and time is required to maintain a GPA above 3.6? I do not have a strong background in chemistry? I can bust out my AP chem books over the summer and brush up. I have a strong background in bio. So how hard will It be for me if I don't have a good chem background? Again I can always brush up during the summer.</p>


<p>from what I’ve heard, biomedical engineering is the hardest engineering to transfer into and is also the most demanding.</p>