Black Male Ivy League Based on Morehouse Data

Colleges that produce most black male PhD grads

Florida A&M
Southern University and A&M
North Carolina A&T
Morgan State
Jackson State
University of Florida
University of Michigan
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Top Grad Schools choices of Morehouse Grads

Georgia State University
University of Michigan
Mercer University
University of Georgia

I’ve always said that Ivy Leagues are overrated. Yes they are great schools but they are no longer the only schools that can help you get a head start in life if you will.

If you look at most of the CEOs, CFOs, Governors, Senators, and other professionals who reached the highest level of their field … you’ll notice that the overwhelming majority of them are not Ivy League products. They went to schools like Morehouse, Spelman, Howard, FAMU, LSU, the UCs, Texas Southern, UT Arlington, Georgia State, everywhere but Ivy Leagues.

Below is an article about how Asian-American students disproportionately seek out Ivy League schools but still lag behind in several notable areas upon graduation. An Ivy League education is not a cure all for all your problems and struggles and they are extremely expensive on top of that lol

Princeton=Morehouse & Spelman
Harvard= Howard
Dartmouth=Xavier of Louisiana
University of Penn= Clark Atlanta
Brown= Dillard
Haverford=Tougaloo College
UC Berkeley=North Carolina A&T
UC Los Angeles=Morgan State
UC Davis=Bowie State
University of Michigan=Florida A&M
College of William & Mary=Southern University & A&M College
University of Texas @Austin=Prairie View & A&M University
Ohio State=Grambling
University of Virginia= Jackson State
Penn State= Tennessee State

Remember these colleges were made during the time of separate but equal, but it was never equal because it was these schools were never funded