Black male vs. Black female in admissions

<p>In a top tier college, if there was one spot left in a class and both a female black student and a male black student have identically astounding applications, who would get in? Who has more appeal? I truly wonder...</p>

<p>It’s not a true situation. There’s never going to be one spot left. If the school wants both of them, it’ll take both of them. First of all, no school has a 100% yield rate. Harvard’s is the highest among top schools with 80% of accepted students coming. Secondly, even if both students come, having 1501 students as opposed to 1500 doesn’t matter in the least.</p>

<p>The odds of that happening are probably extremely slim. But if there was a choice there it would probably be the guy because of the disproportionate numbers of black males attending college.</p>

<p>Yeah, I know the situation is improbable but I’d agree with your outcome too Mouse.</p>