Bloomberg Undergrad Business Rankings - McIntire #43 in Employer Survey

Obviously there are a jillion rankings out there, and I am not making too much out of this, but I would bring your attention to the “Employer Survey Rank” for McIntire - #43. It is based on feedback from recruiters. Wharton is even worse. I would suggest that is no accident - business success is not based on GPA alone - much more goes into it. Particle physics, Nuclear Engineering - fine - go with GPA as the sole yardstick, but not business. The schools ranked higher in this category are not the prestige schools - but I bet the kids are more well-rounded. Just my two cents.

One analysis I read said this ranking was skewed by the different types of majors that were common at different business schools. It said the programs that graduated large percentages of accounting majors ranked highly. The survey appeared to be skewed against programs that graduated more people who go into international business consulting, etc.