Blount Initiative

Does anyone have experience with the Blount Initiative, my daughter told me that she received an e-mail over the weekend inviting her to apply for this. Is this something she would in conjunction with the Honors College or in place of the Honors College? What is the scope of this program and what are the pros and cons of it. Any insight would be helpful.


I am not apart of Blount but I’m a current sophomore and I know many students in the program. I’d suggest both Blount and honors if your daughter can. Blount takes a large southern university and makes it a much smaller liberal arts community. They take interesting classes including literature and the arts. They live in Blout residence hall where they have 2 people per room with a bathroom in the middle. Blount is a great program for students who want to either supplement a STEM major with some liberal arts or just in general enjoys the idea of a close knit liberal arts community. They do quirky things like sword fight and others that I’m not aware of. They have their own formal dance that is a lot of fun. It’s a great program for those interested in those subjects.

@bamagril18 Thank you for your insights.

I would guess that nearly all of the Blount Initiative students are in the Honors College. My son had Honors housing last year in Blount, but was not part of the Blount Initiative. A lot of great kids there in Blount!