Blount Scholars Program?

S was invited to apply for the Blount Scholars program, and he’s interested. We’ve read the brochure and info on the website, but I am having a hard time determining how competitive the program is. Do a lot of the applicants get asked to move on to the interview stage, and how many of those are accepted? Will an engineering major feel out of place in the program?

The most immediate concern is the scheduling of interviews. We haven’t had a chance to visit campus and we’re just ready to buy plane tickets and reserve hotel rooms and a rental car for a visit in January to coincide with Capstone Scholars Day. We want to get that settled, but now I see Blount interviews occur in January as well. How likely are they to allow S to interview during his scheduled visit if he gets that far with Blount? I’m guessing it’s unlikely the Blount interviews will be scheduled for exactly the days we plan to be there. It’s been a battle to find the right time to get down there once, and while we’d definitely try to make it work if we need to, obviously it’s hard to have S turn around and go back down a week or so later.

I’ve left a message at the number provided for the Blount program, but haven’t heard anything back yet. Any insight is appreciated.

I’m looking for the same insight you are. I too would like to know how an engineering major would fit in or if an engineering major would be allowed to take part.

Anything you learn, please pass on. It would be appreciated.

@General tso chicken S ended up emailing the contact person for the program. They have many engineering majors in the program and encouraged S to apply. He also said they would be flexible with interview scheduling.

I know @MotherOfDragons has an older thread in this forum too that may answer some of your questions.

@IABooks she decided to apply-they sent an invitation to apply, and a brochure. She’s working on the essay as we speak :). It seems like it could be a good fit for her because she is as strong in the sciences/liberal arts as she is in engineering, and likes the balance.

They do let engineering majors apply, but my understanding is the focus is on the liberal arts/sciences, so you have to be comfortable in that atmosphere.

To answer your question, I don’t know how competitive the program is, but we’re looking at it from more of a quality of life/this is my tribe kind of thing vs. how hard it is to get into.

@MotherOfDragons Great minds think alike. S is also working on the app today, for the same reasons. :slight_smile: Sounds like a good thing all around.