Blurry uploaded documents

<p>Because I was selected for the 2010 Tax form verification, I uploaded my tax forms as per the directions. However, after scanning all of the forms and uploading the merged form, I noticed that the result is blurry (i.e. when I click preview uploaded form, the previewed document is blurry). </p>

<p>With effort all of the numbers are visible, so I decided to submit it. But now I am considering whether I should scan the forms again and increase the resolution--the file was only 2.5 MB, meaning I have 1.5 MB of space to increase resolution--allowing the financial aid counselor to see the numbers clearer and possibly be more kind and generous; plus I avoid potential issues due to blurred sections.</p>

<p>My only issues with re-uploading the form is that:
1. The pdf file is actually quite clear, only when I upload it to USConnect does it look blurry; therefore, I am unsure whether this is a USConnect issue or a lack of resolution issue.
2. March 2 is the deadline, and I do not want to be viewed as a procrastinator by editing forms on the final day.</p>

<p>What should I do?</p>

<p>Also, do I need to use a cover sheet when uploading documents? I know faxing requires cover sheets, but I saw nothing about cover sheets when uploading.</p>

<p>Hey there, I know when uploading the documents you don’t need cover sheets because the uploading system automatically attaches the info they need onto it so they’re able to identify who the documents belong to.</p>

<p>As for whether you should upload the documents again, I would scan it just to be safe. If you’re still not sure you can always call in and ask if the forms are visible enough. If not you can offer to send them in again.</p>

<p>Hope that helped!</p>

<p>This happened to me last year. I ended up faxing my forms instead.</p>