
<p>When do students find out what books they will need? My daughter's school listed them when registering for classes so you could get them ahead of time but i do not see any information on books for my son at VT. I've read here that it is better to buy the books online instead of the bookstore, but if they don't even know what they need before class starts, then order online, it will be some time before they get their books.</p>


<p>Go to the VT Bookstore website:</p>

<p>[University</a> Bookstore - Lookup and Order Books](<a href=“efollett”>efollett)</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>Bookstore<Buying online<buying digital copy online<Renting your textbook from the library and renewing it all semester</p>

<p>How does one go about renting books from the library? That’s a new one for me.</p>

<p>You put in for an interlibrary loan if they don’t have your book. If they do have your book, well, you check it out.</p>

<p>Oh, you mean the old fashioned “borrowing” LOL! I thought they were really renting books for $$. Haha</p>

<p>There is a place in the VT “Timetable of Classes” above the important dates to the left that says, “Textbook ISBN and pricing information.” Click that link and toward the bottom of the page it says, FIND YOUR COURSE TEXTBOOKS. Click that link and then follow the prompts to add all the Fall 2013 classes, add it to “your schedule” and then press “find books.”</p>

<p>This may not answer every question about books for each class, but it is a good place to start. After that, I look online to either rent (at or, etc.) or I look on eBay, or I check CraigsList. Lab books will have to purchased at the bookstore and some courses have books written by a particular VT professor and they are hard to find online. Also, some books (especially older ones) can be found online in pdf.</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>