Borderline student...can someone read my essay

<p>The best advice people ever get is sometimes what I’ve been saying for minutes. The prompts are two disparate essays theoretically, but should not contradict each other. They can read as one, or be completely different, but they have to share one common trait: be about you. Preferably performed from your perspective, it should be flush with all that is you. It should bleed of the sweat of your very soul. It should fashion the texture of your essence, with elegance and flow. It is not of you, it is you. The very act of reading the personal statement is for the reader to temporarily embody you, to become you for a moment, and see what makes you, you. It is your academic manifesto.</p>

<p>lintij- if you translated what you said into clothing, i would wear it. it is so Vouge.</p>

<p>For me personally, I thought you did a really good job. It was definately well-written and flowed nicely throughout the essay. Your ending was especially well-written. The only thing I would say is that it may be a little redundant towards the middle. Other than that I think you did great. Good luck!</p>
