Boston College Class of 2027 Official Thread

Ah yes, that makes more sense! Still. These stats here are unreal.


I was accepted! Hesitant to list all my stats, especially since so many people with perfect stats and amazing ECs still got waitlisted/rejected. The truth is, you never know what’s going through the admissions officer’s head. Stats mean barely anything anymore. Everyone who didn’t get in who has worked their butt off in high school, I promise it’ll pay off - if not immediately, it will later.



Waitlist #7!
4.5 W
8 APs
4 honor societies
Varsity sport 4 years
library volunteer
Teen column for local newspaper
President of school club
Pastor’s kid
Moved from small, rural HS to large, competitive HS soph year and was able to jump right in


For all those waitlisted, if BC is still your #1, it’s very tough, but stay in touch with the school and reiterate your level of interest.

To the acceptances, congratulations
each admitted class gets tougher and tougher to get in.

Am parent of computer science (CS) freshman. Best piece of advice for the newly admitted that I received last year is to join the Facebook Boston College Parent Group (I think there are actually two separate ones - join both). Real-life tips galore and very helpful community for any type of question.


Any idea what the waitlist stats were from last year? My D23 is now on 7 waitlists, so we’re trying to determine what’s actually realistic to spend time on.


I had pulled up their CDS when the results came through. In 2021, 13000+ waitlisted. 8000+ accepted waitlist. 13 admitted from waitlist.


accepted. 1550. 4.0 UW. 10 AP Classes (all 5s so far). National Merit Commended Scholar. Morrissey College of Arts and Science (biochem). Heavily involved in research and community extracurriculars. CA resident.


Thanks. That is ridiculous to waitlist so many!


3.95 UW, 4.48 W
1520 SAT
NM Commended Scholar
CB Hispanic Recognition
9 APs, lots of honors
President of 2 clubs
12 years of Catholic school
Mom and Dad were married at St. Ignatius at BC and son may have mentioned that in one of the supplements, figured why not :woman_shrugging:t2:

Edit to add that we’re having sticker shock at the cost of attendance and lack of financial aid :flushed:


3.8 unweighted / 4.0 weighted
High 1400s
Humanities applicant

I do not, but read in previous years that it not only depends on overall yield, but also what the student’s college will be
they are filling open slots. I think the last three years of waitlist statistics are not reliable since COVID created uncertainty for everyone.

It appears BC accepted 5,511 (source: College Kickstart) applicants this year versus 6,748 (source: BC Admissions website) last year. That’s a big drop in one year.


Rejected. 4.65 weighted GPA, 11 APs, tons of Honor courses, strong ECs. Ok bc accepted to UMich and Wisconsin - Madison


If that’s true, then they are waiting to see yield on May 1 and would take more off of WL this year.

I’m guessing they missed wildly on yield estimates last two years as many universities did. And ended up being over enrolled.

Anyway, last year CDS shows 7587 acceptances and 13040 waitlisted of which 8000 took waitlist spot and 13 admitted.

That ratio of actual acceptances (7587) to waitlist spots offered is wild. It’s a polite let down

Even if they take 200 from WL it’s still a very tough WL unless you fill a need and maybe have some serious luck or connections.

16 APs/DEs


My daughter got into one of the highly coveted 23 remaining spots in the new school of engineering. They only take 50 per year and gave out 27 of those seats ED. For anyone wanting school of engineering in the future, highly recommend Ed. Good luck to everyone on here. She is my oldest and this college admission cycle has been torture!



“we’re having sticker shock at the cost of attendance and lack of financial aid”
How far off were they from NPC?


D23 accepted. Midwest Jesuit high school with pretty high academic reputation. 1-100 grading scale - she’s about a 93 unweighted (A range) and closing in on 99 weighted. No class ranking but probably around 7th or 8th percentile. 7 AP’s, which is one less than the school allowed maximum; honors in everything else. 5’s and a few 4’s on AP exams, 34 ACT submitted. Her extracurriculars and essays (and disposition, not surprisingly) line up pretty well with the “men and women for others” Jesuit ethos, so that may have helped on the holistic side of things.

She’s psyched, as she hopped on the waitlist train the last couple weeks and wasn’t sure if any more acceptances were going to come late in the RD game. She’s incredibly fortunate to now have a difficult choice to make, as she’s now been accepted at two schools toward the top of her list. So insanely grateful to just have that choice. We feel like she’s one of the lucky few.

Congrats to all accepted, hang in there to all waitlisted, and keep your head up to those who received rejections today - you’re great and this does not change that.


Seems like (in this small sample size) coming from a Jesuit or Catholic high school was a major factor this year
 (along with the stats) - meaning, just high stats are not enough.


BC changed their NPC sometime in the fall and it made a huge difference. I ran it in September when my son was trying to finalize his school list. I ran it again (same numbers because I had it saved) a few weeks before he submitted for RD, and it had gone up over $15,000. We ended up not going through with the application.

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