Boston College Class of 2027 Official Thread

my dad said that!!


Son accepted to Carrol School of Management after being deferred from ED2.
99.8 weighted GPA
34 ACT
Varsity Athlete (all 3 seasons) for 4 years
Music- first clarinet in several high level bands and orchestras.
Lots of ECā€™s with leadership roles
7 APā€™s
Strong essays and letters of recommendation.

Itā€™s his first choice so heā€™s thrilled!



Daughter accepted to Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Public school
1500 (no super score)
4.4 weighted
8 APs
Several leadership roles across 8+ clubs/service orgs
PT job
Studies music/vocals
Wonderful recs and strong essays


For Class of 2026 they did not over-enroll and I believe they took 50 less students. In ED 1 they accepted 78 more students than last year for Class of 2026. I suspect they took more of the class during ED1 and ED2. If you want to get into a selective school, ED is the way to go as long as you donā€™t overshoot.


Accepted (w/4 years of housing)

1570/4.0 (4.81 weighted, 4.5 A+ and +1 for AP/DE)

Dance ECs w/a lot of informal leadership, teaching

Some math modeling awards

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Not sure if this is the right forum to ask this in, but Villanova and Boston College seem nearly identical on paper. Small jesuit schools in a suburban area with good academics and sportsā€¦ Does anyone know anything that can help distinguish one from the other?


Visited both. Very different. If you visit you will see/feel the difference. Villanova was much more religious in our view. Also, Lancaster Avenue (Route 30) cuts through Villanova, so the campus is basically split in two and connected by walkways. Highly recommend visiting each school, so you can decide whatā€™s best.


These schools didnā€™t feel that similar to me. I also would encourage you to visit. As a note, BC is Jesuit, while Villanova is Augustinian Catholic.


i donā€™t see them as similar. BC has a nationwide reputation (for academics I mean, not just bball.) BC campus and location have broader appeal and the school feels fairly secular. How this all sits with any particular student is a personal choice. S23 didnā€™t apply to Villanova and was WL at BC. So a non-issue for us.

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My D also got accepted and we are from San Diego. Are you doing the last orientation?


Anybody have an idea as to what the RD acceptance rate was this year?

If my calculations are correct, RD acceptance rate was 13%.

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How many kids get off the waitlist, and when do they let you know that?
I heard not many do!


Going to try for the first one. Son goes to Boarding School 20 minutes from BC and will just go straight from graduation. Congrat on acceptance.

D23 accepted to College of Art&Sciences. She is thrilled about it. We are from Bay Area private school. Her major will be biology, interested in premed. How feasible is to get internships, and lab research ?

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Got accepted into art&sciences conditional with the OTE summer. I havenā€™t received a financial aid letter yet, has anyone else? My family is low income and although BC is my top out of schools Iā€™ve been admitted I need to determine if I should accept my full ride from trinity college.

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Both my kiddos visited Boston College and Villanova. I agree they both have a different feel. I would not say one is more religious than the other. Notre Dame hovers above 80% Catholic with Nova & BC between 60-70% Catholic. Both incredible schools. My S23 chose Villanova for the overall friendly vibe, literally everyone is so nice, plus the stellar, highly ranked business school and its proximity to NYC. I think it comes down to fit and overall preference. Visit both!


If your student is interested in business, here is a good overview of the rankings for BCā€™s Carroll School.

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This is sage advice that shows a maturity that admissions offers should recognize. Well said, and good luck wherever you end up!

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