Boston Could See Another 2 Ft. Of Snow over the Next 10 Days// What about all the snow days?

Three snow days and counting. The way the winter is progressing Northeastern students will have missed more than a week of school due to snow days this semester.

As I understand Northeastern does not adjust for snow days. What can be done to get the NE curriculum back on schedule?

Forecasts for snow volume 10 days out are not the most reliable, so we’ll see what actually materializes. I think it’s getting ahead of things to say that we’ll miss another 2+ days of class. If the snow is spread out instead of 2 feet at once, things probably won’t get closed down.

In terms of getting on track, professors make their own adjustments. It might mean more readings or homework instead of covering stuff in class. I once had a professor who recorded the lecture for us to watch at home to stay on track.

Nanotechnology, If you are lucky you might squeeze two more snow days out of this storm.

We did it. five snow days for Northeastern!

We have one more nasty blizzard on deck for Friday, and another stacking up for the 15-16 of the month.

Northeastern has 77 days in its spring semester. Subtract 5 for spring break, and 5 for finals week …
Something must be done.

Some ideas to salvage the semester

  1. Cancel spring break
  2. Mandatory Saturday classes for missed Mondays
  3. Lengthen the semester

My bet is on extending the semester, if they do anything. One of my professors recorded his lecture and put it on blackboard for us.

They could also hold classes on what would have been days off - Patriots Day, President’s Day, Reading Day. It would be tricky to interfere with the end of the semester - the summer semester starts right after and the last day of finals is pretty set in stone so people have travel plans in place already, etc. I don’t think they will mess with spring break - again travels plans in place already for people going on school sponsored trips (service trips, etc.) I think Saturdays is also a viable solution. My daughter has three Monday classes - one is a class which is also taught as a on-line class and so the teacher has put up the lectures and they are on schedule - the other 2 teachers are now way behind.

There’s usually a week between spring and summer semesters that they could cut into.

Giant storm on Saturday. Two more snow days??

This one’s over a weekend, so that will probably keep things from descending into utter chaos again. It’s supposed to hit Saturday-Sunday, plus we already have Monday off as a holiday, so I don’t think it’ll end up cutting into classes this time. (But there’s always a next time this winter, it seems like.)