Boston University Admissions Fall 2022 Regular Decision

DD waitlisted. 3.9 uw/4.7w GPA, 33 ACT, 4s and 5s on APs, two varsity sports (captain of one), a few other strong ECs.

Already accepted with merit to Northeastern and multiple other schools. Going to Boston in April and will decide after visiting Northeastern and BU whether to stay on BU waitlist, but I think it’s unlikely.

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What do y’all think the AR will be this year?

D accepted had none. APs are a scam. Many high schools are cutting the cord and colleges know it. Son 4 years ago had 10 APs (bunch of 4 and 5 scores on tests) which led to exactly zero credit hours at top college. Subject tests are gone now and APs are next to go. It’s silliness. Everyone knows there’s no equivalence between a high school class and a college class. Why colleges were willing to be paid by AP for so long is a mystery.


D accepted
4.0 4.7, test optional
large public CA HS
9 ap / 11 honors

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My accepted kid had fewer than 5 APs (2 or 3, I think? He didn’t send in any scores), but did have quite a few dual enrollment credit hours.

political science major

Asian female, CA, title I large public school
3.98 UW, 4.17 W
7 APs including this year, 6 honors
1520 SAT (National Merit Finalist w/ 1470 SAT, listed BU as first choice)

accepted: WashU, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UC Davis, UW Seattle w/ honors
waitlisted: UNC Chapel Hill, CMU, BU
rejected: n/a!

not gonna opt into waitlist since I need full aid.


Similar profile (+ 8APs) - HS has good relationship with BU - several with same profile last yr were accepted Ed1 - this year deferred then rejected outright

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accepted CAS Comp. Sci
Canadian Male, Indian
4.0 GPA
1410 SAT
1 AP: 5
Great ecs and a great essay imo


accepted CAS (I forgot my major but its probs bio-related lol)
accepted kilachand honors college with presidential scholarship (25k/year)

full IBDP and ACT submitted
I liked my essays :smiley:

probs not going to end up picking BU though + still waiting for the ivies


I didn’t do any APs but I did the IBDP

I’m so sorry. I feel your pain. Sigh. we have to wait until Monday for GW to do same l ugh.

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that’s why

It is hard to stay on waitlist. U never know when u will be off until June or July.

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In a linked article above the VP Admissions said that last year the acceptance rate was 18% but “it will not be 18% this year”. BU was overenrolled 900 students last Fall.

D Accepted
Deffered ED1
Public School
4.3W/3.55 UW
LOR and essays were pretty good
No leadership in clubs except for Historian, but I created and lead several initiatives outside of school
1220 SAT


My son was accepted (Computing and Data Science) and has no AP classes. His private school does not offer AP. Kids are able to take the exams if they like, but the classes do not prepare them properly, so a lot of additional work is required to score well.

Our daughters have similar schools. Mine was rejected from BU, only rejection out of 12 not so bad. But also considering Emerson, Loyola Marymount and Fordham. We are from S. Cali, LMU is beautiful! She really liked it. Heading East this week to see Emerson and Fordham. Journalism major


So lower than 18%?

Yes, but she wouldn’t say how low. BU like similar schools cannot always predict yield.