Boston University Spring 2009 admissions letters

<p>Has anyone in here applied as a transfer student for spring 2009? Just curious because I'm waiting to hear from them and I wanted to see if anyone has heard anything yet.</p>

<p>applied… have not heard.</p>

<p>My admissions letter came on the 5th. Have either of you heard back yet?</p>

<p>not yet…</p>

<p>I was just admitted on friday :-)</p>

<p>Nice, congrats rcl :slight_smile: Are you definitely attending? I’m still waiting for my financial aid package, which will be a big deciding factor unfortunately =T</p>

<p>strawberry danish- while I’m very happy to be accepted I won’t be attending because I will be going to Columbia University instead. My mom went to BU and it is a wonderful school. Best of luck with your decision!</p>

<p>congrats to you both.</p>