<p>Has someone received admission decision for spring semester yet?..When do you guys think we will start receiving them?..On the website it says between the mid of November and the mid of December.
If you receive it, please write on this thread and let people know.
Thank you</p>
<p>I have not received anything yet. For what major/ school did you apply? I am so nervous!</p>
<p>I am going to study Physics and Mathematics. What about you?..I am very nervous too…lol</p>
<p>wow that’s awesome. I am pretty bad at math so I admire those who are good at it. I applied for international affairs. I’m afraid my bad standardized test scores are going to be problematic…I didn’t have a traditional HS experience, making SAT/ACT stuff difficult for me. Do you think legacy matters at all? I would be 3rd generation BU but im not sure how much it matters?</p>
<p>I guess BU will consider it ,especially if three generations of your family studied there, but I believe it is not of primary importance. In a certain sense, I did not have a traditional HS experience neither if you think that I am an international student from Rome…:)</p>
<p>Does anyone know what time we get the results? And how?
Like by e-mail, mail, or the Applicant Link?</p>
<p>I didn’t get an email… just checked the applicant link.</p>
<p>accepted!!! CAS</p>
<p>I just got mine too! CAS! =D</p>
<p>i just checked my app link and no decision? ***?</p>
<p>i applied for jan</p>
<p>ok Anthony we are in two…I applied for January and haven’t received my decision yet…do you have something missing on your application status?</p>
<p>not missing a thing!!</p>
<p>I hope I/we find out before Christmas… I also applied for january semester.</p>
<p>i dont understand how only some of us have decisions…</p>
<p>because you applied January instead of early maybe?
did you apply to go there in January?</p>
<p>I dont know… On the site it says we are supposed to know around mid december (so the aprox. end of mid dec is prob dec 17th) and on a mailer they sent out it says through the month of december, which means up to dec 31st… so tecnically I am fine with waiting; emotionally, ehh, not as easy. I dont mind waiting, but i just hope to find out soon.</p>
<p>yeah i applied for jan</p>
<p>i’m ok w. waiting but not when other ppl have their decisions already! lol…</p>
<p>when you apply to BU, do you apply to only separate colleges. For example, i want to study premed and i heard you study that at the school of arts and sciences. so do i have to only apply to the school of arts and sciences or can i apply just to BU?</p>
<p>I called the admissions office on Monday and they told me that we will be sent the decision by the end of this week (3rd week of December)…but considering the working hours I would say that we will receive it by Friday…I do no think at all that we will receive our notifications during Christmas or after it. 1st) because some of those days are vacation time 2nd because they should give admitted students the time to prepare, go to Boston, choose the accomodation…exct. Obviously we are not all Bostonians!..There are also international students like me who come from the other side of the ocean…</p>
<p>borisr26: check out your colleges web site, see if they have specific instructions… as far as I know you apply to BU via commonapp and just state your major, but this process may vary from school as different schools (like art and music) may have other requirements.</p>
<p>int89: yay! I am glad you found that out. I figured that they should let us know b4 Christmas because of winter break, but as each day passes the rational part of my brain tells the emotional part to be quiet, so I am glad you helped talk me down. Where on the other side of the ocean do you come from, if it is ok me asking, if not, never mind.</p>