Bowdoin athlete/non-athlete divide and student culture

Hi! I’m very interested in Bowdoin academically (and athletically as a prospective varsity athlete). However, I’m curious about the student culture outside of this. If I come to Bowdoin, it would be as a varsity athlete, and I’m curious how much of an athlete/non-athlete divide there is on campus. As a queer athlete it is important to me to be able to expand beyond athletics socially. Also, I’m not sure if anybody knows what the LGBTQ+ scene is like or how progressive Bowdoin is, but if anybody could provide input on that it would be awesome!

Paging @homerdog for help with this. Her DS is on the track team there, and she can speak to the culture in general.

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Our son runs at Bowdoin and does spend the majority of his time with the team because they are together so much and have become close. That being said, he definitely has friends outside of his sport.

Hav you already been recruited? That part I’m a little confused about. If so, I would talk to the coach or the current students on your team and ask them the same question. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback! No, I haven’t been recruited yet. I’m a current junior but I’ve been told I’m their top recruit for my sport/position in my class.

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My niece was a gay, progressive, varsity athlete at Bowdoin and she loved it there and thrived.