Bowdoin, Brandeis, Dartmouth,JHU, Vassar,....

<p>I am an international junior right now and I want to major in Economics and Sociology or History.</p>

<p>What are my chance ???</p>

<p>My list:</p>

<p>Dartmouth (ED, not sure)
Brandeis (ED, not sure)
Bowdoin (ED II)
St. Lawrence
John Hopkins</p>

<p>here are my stats:</p>

<p>9th grade GPA: 8.0/10 (it's considered A where I went to)</p>

<p>My GPA in sophomore year was 9.2/10</p>

<p>Junior year GPA: 4.0 (unweighted, my school does not have weighted GPA)
No ranking but I think I am in top 5%</p>

<p>Will be a repeat junior at a academically rigorous small private school, one of the best ones in the region.</p>

<p>Score this year so far: AP Cal BC: B, AP Physics C:Mechanics: B-, Spanish 1: A+, English 11: A, Biology: A, Choir: A, Wind Ensemble: A.</p>

<p>AP Cal AB score: 4 (Too bad)</p>

<p>Aim SAT score as 2150 (PSAT is 168, really bad). SAT II will be Math II: hope will be 700 at least and about 2 more, have not decided yet.</p>

<p>Extra curricular:
Soccer team of class: 6,7,8,9,10
Soccer Varsity:grade 11
AFCVN soccer club: grade 10
News translator
Club In Vietnam grade 8,9,10
Young leader club:grade 10
Singing club:grade:10
Choir:grade 11
CATCH program:grade 11
Piano class:8 years
French horn: 1 years
FIRST Robotics: grade 11
Community service club: grade 11
Community service trip to Costa Rica: grade 11 (Feb 2009)</p>

Best GPA at school : Grade 10
Best final exams record: Grade 10
First Prize at School's English Olympiad: Grade 10
Victoria scholarhship: grade 10
High honor roll: grade 11
Best Physical project in Science Fair:grade 11
Highest honor in Chemistry:grade 11
High honor in Maths:grade 11
Nominated for National Honor Society: grade 11
Nominated for National Young Leader Conference: grade 11</p>

<p>Leadership: Head of School's Youth Union:Grade 10</p>

<p>A little hard to tell without actual SAT scores, but you’re looking at very good chances for all of your hopeful options. You have a very strong GPA which is a huge asset, especially if you maintain it consistently. Good Luck, I’m sure you will get into many of your dream schools!</p>

<p>Thanks. This year is kinda rough for me since I moved to a new school and it is way tougher than my old school so I think I will have like a 3.8 UW. Is it a bad thing ??</p>

<p>A lot depends on where you’re from. If your country sends few applicants to these schools and you would provide diversity, a 2150 would make you competitive at Dartmouth. If you’re from a country/region that sends many applicants, a 2250 would be more realistic.</p>

<p>For the others, top 5% and 2150 puts you in the running, and depending on need for aid, you would have a good shot at all with JHU being a bit tougher than most.</p>

<p>I am from Vietnam. I need a lot of aid. Why JHU will be the hardest ? How is economics at JHU ?</p>

<p>You need to look at more schools that offer good aid to internationals and more where your stats are at the top of the pool as an Asian international. Post on the international or parent’s board for ideas.</p>

<p>Can you suggest any schools for me ??</p>

<p>My understanding of the original post is that the OP is hoping to get a 2150 SAT I score, but has only achieved a 168 (= to 1680 SAT?) on the PSAT, and that the OP is repeating the 11th grade. Based on this understanding & assuming a higher SAT score than the 1680 PSAT, the OP has a very low chance of being admitted to Dartmouth College or to Bowdoin College. St. Lawrence University may be, however, a realistic choice which shares similarities to Dartmouth College. Dartmouth, Bowdoin & Johns Hopkins do not appear to be realistic choices at this time for the OP.</p>

<p>what if I really get a 2150 ?? Is it impossible ??</p>

<p>Possible? Yes. Likely? No. What is the section by section break down of your PSAT scores? Even with a 2150/2400 SAT I score, Dartmouth College is just a 10% chance, and possibly lower if seeking FA.</p>

<p>How about others like Bowdoin and Brandeis,…?</p>

<p>What other safety do you guys suggest ??</p>

<p>Dartmouth is need blind to internationals and tuition free if you make less than 75k per year.</p>

<p>Yep. I understand that. So how do you think my chance at Dartmouth ??</p>

<p>ANy more suggestions ??</p>

<p>if you increase your SAT score, you probably have a chance to get into brandeis but you have to write an amazing essay.</p>

<p>Cool. How about my chance at other schools ??</p>

<p>Cool. How about my chance at other schools ??</p>

<p>Most of those schools are pretty/very tough to get into. Dartmouth only accepts like 13% or something like that and Bowdoin is about 18%. SO these are tough schools to begin with.
Bowdoin is SAT optional. So even if your SATs aren’t where you want them to be you can still apply. Granted the chances will be lower than if you have good SATs to submit. about 20-30% of the class doesn’t submit scores I think.
Just another little thing here. i had a 168 PSAT and i studied and ended up getting a 2100 on my SATs. So its possible to get ur scores up. I think that getting ur SAT up is kinda the most important thing for these top tier schools.</p>